PART 18: Can't live alone

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Snows POV

Of course, I could hear screaming from Bigbys office to my apartment. I was getting worried "Mummy? Where's dada?" Ambrose asked, "Doing his work. He'll figure out what to do with that girl who hurt your sister, okay." I said "Can we go to the park today?" Therese said running to me. "Not today. Some other day, okay? We're doing something important." I said "Pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssseee!!" She said tugging my shirt "No, Therese!" I sternly said making her cry. "No, shhh.... I'm sorry baby." I said picking her up, "We'll go to the park another day." I said pushing her hair away from her face. "Okay, Mummy. *sniff*" She mumbled, I placed a kiss on her forehead.

Theresa's POV
" *sigh* What do from me?" I raised my voice. "Theresa, I'm sorry for being a bad uncle. I really am. But you have to leave FableTown and.... Find a way to live. We just can't have you here." Bigby said "I will die out there!" I said "Yeah, I know. But find a way." He said rubbing his forehead "Please, I can't go back living alone! I really can't! I need food, water, new clothes!" I said "Then talk to Snow, She might give you some." He said "Your the worse." I said walking out.

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