Part 13: The Begining

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- 4: 10 pm at night

Snows P.O.V.

I quickly ran to Bigby's apartment, I knocked on his door. I didn't even wait for him to open the door and let me in, "Bigby! -I breathed for air- they took Theresa!!" I said " Wait what? what do you mean as "They" Snow?" He asked "Bloody Mary she took Theresa!" I said as I got closer to him and gripped his shirt closer to him. "Snow you-maybe you were just having hallucinations 'cuz you hadn't slept yet..." Bigby shrugged his shoulders and raised one brow. "N- no I know it wasn't a hallucination please!" I said getting closer to him as I kept gripping his shirt, I could feel his heartbeat. I kept looking at his brown eyes " Not now!" I thought to myself " Snow- the cubs...they're all alone" Bigby calmly said. "I forgot them!" I thought to myself, I raced upstairs as Bigby followed. I reached the baby-room, I sighed in relief " they're all safe" I whispered to myself "C'mon Snow..." Bigby said " You don't believe me!" I whispered turning to him. " Lets not do this here Snow..." he said " I grabbed his shoulders " Bigby... please!" I said " I'm sorry..." he said " ok I'll go..." He said " No I'm going with you!" I said, I heard Therese cry a little and saw her squirm around her crib ( she's not Theresa they just named her after Theresa) I turned to her and picked her up she was so tiny in my arms. Bigby got behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, " Your not going with me because you have a job to do and your job is: to take care of our cubs" he whispered to me. I turned to him as Therese fell asleep " I think it's time for you to hold her for the first time..." I said, I gently put Therese on Bigbys arms as she squirmed a little in his arms. He kept looking at her smiling with joy, he raised her closer to him and kissed her on her forehead. I smiled as I watched them together, I got closer to them and put one hand on Bigbys arm and the other on Therese's forehead as she fell sound asleep. We both smiled. Bigby gently set her in her crib, he turned around and pull me close to him, we separated and Bigby gave me a small peck on the lips " I love you Snow..." He smiled at me. I was about to say "I love you too" but he quickly left to find Theresa. "Awe... what a cute little family... Too bad your not going to be around" I heard and quickly turned to the mirror to see Bloody Mary in her full form. I stepped back " What do you want!" I said " Revenge... Your little mutt killed the Crooked Man and many more people in progress! How do you really believe he's changed pretty girl! " she responded "We are going to throw you down the Witching Well!" She shook her finger " No, no...that's not how it works..." She said stepping out the mirror "BIGBY!!!!!!HEL-" I was interrupted by Bloody Mary straggling me. The cubs started to cry, "I-I'm sure Bigby could hear me right?" I thought. I began to lose hope when I was running out of air, " Let's make things a little more easier..." Mary said with a smile pulling out a glass shard out of her neck. Blood began to gush out onto my face but she didn't seem to mind "This is the beginning of war" she whispered in my ear then smiled "" I squeezed out my mouth. Bigby barged in the room, but that didn't stop Mary from stabbing me on the side of my stomach " Ahhnng..." I sobbed, Bigby and Mary started to fight, Bigby quickly turned into his half wolf form as BM pulled out another shard out of her side. As my breathing began to become shorter due to my blood lost, Bigby pushed Mary in the other room not to hurt me and the cubs of what was going to happen, Mary got on Bigby's back and began to choke him out Bigby began to slam her on the wall making a huge hole on the wall and falling through into the streets. I crawled my way to the phone and started to call Doctor SwineHeart. " please...." I said " Snow what happened Snow? Sno-" that was all I could hear before I blacked out.

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