The Wedding Day! (Final)

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-Few years later

Snow's P.O.V.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I turned side to side to check my slim body " You look beautiful, Snow!" Rose happily said as she rested both of her hands on my shoulders, as I looked at my long beautiful white brides dress. It had colorful flowers, and beautiful texture. "I'm... nervous..." I said. " Well, Bigby has loved you for so long... I can see that. And I'm pretty sure you can see it too!" Rose said slightly shaking my shoulders " Yea, but what if I fall? what if the ring is missing? what if my dress gets ruined and my make-up and my hair a--" " Snow! You're worrying too much! Calm. Down. Nothing bad will happen. Trust me." Rose calmed me down *sigh* "Mommy!" Winter came into the wide red room with her white dress and her little flower basket, and hugged both of my legs. Almost losing my balance "Be careful sweetie!" I said. The cubs where about five years old, I could not be anymore happier with my life. I picked up Winter " I like the flowers mummy! They're so colorful!" Winter said reaching down to my waist trying to grab a hold of a flower. I almost lost my grip " Don't do that sweetie! This dress is very special. Like you!" I said rubbing my nose with hers. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck, "Snow!" I heard Blue Boy peek from the door and waving me to come. I handed Winter to Rose and walked over to Blue Boy holding up my dress. "What is it, Blue?" I asked him " You are up in five minutes, Snow. You look nice by the way." he gave me a thumbs up " Thanks, you too, and five minutes! Oh my..." I panicked in my head "Snow, your going to be fine" he said and left. "Mom, I want some cake!" Winter complained stomping her feet " Not now, and Argh!" I said and pinched my nose " We gotta change you.." I said " No, Snow, I'll do it" Rose suggested "I don't want you ruining that dress of yours" she said and picked Winter up, I grabbed the baby bag that was on a table and handed it to Rose. "No! But I want some cake Mommy!" Winter cried "Sweetie, I will give you cake after this IF you be a good cub! Okay?" I said and she nodded her head "C'mon, lets go change you" Rose smiled at Winter and left into the bathroom. "Snow, You're up!" Blue Boy said with his blue suit. "Oh. My. God." I thought, I was too nervous "Now or never Snow! C'mon!" he said.

- few minutes later!
"Do you, Gaffer Wind (Bigby), accept, Snow White, as your wedded wife in sickness or in health in poverty and in wealth?" King Cole asked.

"I do."

Do you, Snow White, accept, Gaffer Wind, as your wedded husband in sickness or in health in poverty and in wealth?" King Cole asked me.

" I do."

I gripped Bigby's hands tighter "You may now kiss the bride!" King Cole said. Bigby looked so handsome, I'm so happy I get to finally Marry the man I love. Bigby leaned to me and our lips met. I kissed him back. We both separated as everyone started cheering.

Thx for reading guys! This will be the final of chapter 2! Chapter 3 will be coming soon!


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