Part 53

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"Good, then. That means he's here." Theresa said as she put her hands on her hips, "Get Prince Brandish and the gaurds ready!" she said. "W--who's here?!" I asked as Theresa was gonna leave "Your favorite wolf. And when he gets injured or hurt, it reflects to you, so he broke his arm." she smirked. "You monster! Let him go!" I yelled at her, she closed the door, I started crying "Hurry Bigby.." I said, after a while I heard a knock on the window. I quickly looked back seeing Rose Red on the floating/flying rug. "Rose!" I said, shocked and happy. "Stand back Snow." She warned placing a bomb on the bars. I covered my ears, it exploded. I walked up to Rose, she reached her hand out to me I grabbed her hand. "Holy shit, what happened to your arm?!" She asked. "Doesn't matter now! We need to find Bigby!" I said

Yes short... I know. Ill update soon I promise! Vote and comment to see what happens next!

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