Part 6: Im in the mood

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(Pretend Faith is still alive)

Snow's P.O.V.

"What the fuck is going on here!!" I screamed. Faith quickly stopped but Bigby didn't, he took a moment and stopped I crossed my arms as he pulled out of her and put his pants back on " Faith you can go change over there " I said nicely but pissed. She walked to the dressing place while Bigby put his shirt back on. " What the fuck, you can't do that here" I said sternly " You know what Snow, -He walked up to me- I'm sick of your shit " he said " what will make you forgive me! huh!? Please Bigby forgive me I told you! Jack fucking drugged me!" I sobbed " Sure he did Snow, sure he did..." He said " he doesn't believe me " I thought I clenched my hands then I clenched his shirt pulling me closer to him " I FUCKING TOLD YOU!!! JUST FUCKING BELIEVE ME!" I said with an angry face with many tears running down my cheeks, I quickly let go of his shirt and turned around to wipe my tears away "Sno-" I interrupted Bigby " Don't Fucking talk to me..." I sternly said as I walked to the door I walked outside to bump into Lilly (Pretend Lilly is still alive) "oh, sorry, Lilly" I sadly said "Are you ok Snow?" she asked "Uh, I-I don't want to talk about it..." I said " Are you sure?" she asked again " Yes I'm!- I'm fine" I took a breath and rubbed my forehead. She took a pack of cigarets " Want one?" she offered. I took a moment and grabbed a cigarette " This is the first time I've seen you smoke" Lilly said "It's because it is the first time I've smoked" I said, she lit my cigarette. And breathed in "Bye Snow I have to go to work" she said "Hmm where do you work again?" I asked " At a Laundry, you can come visit sometime" she said and walked away. I stayed outside until Bigby came outside "Snow?" he looked at me kind of shocked "Why the fuck are you smoking?" He asked angrily " Fuck off!" I sternly said. He got closer " I said leave me alone Bigby!" I shouted he didn't stop walking to me. His eye's were yellow, but I kept giving him the pissed face. He grabbed my small hand and pulled me closer to him, he kept looking at me as I shivered in fear. He pulled me inside I dropped my cigaret. He kept squeezing my hand " Argh..." I complained " Bigby where are you taking me?!" I said as I tried to pull my hand out of his hand. he opened his apartment door " N-no" I said as he pulled me and closed the door this time. He grabbed my waist and pinned me to the wall "Bigby stop..." I said helplessly with innocent eyes. He growled and pulled me into a rough kiss I tried to push him away but failed I kept to struggle until he put my hands above my head, I gave up. I kept to moan at his kisses he pulled away and ripped open my shirt and jacket revealing my bra. he pushed me closer to him and touched me. He kept massaging my breast I kept panting " no...stop....." I begged he kissed my neck making me shiver. He let go of my hands and bit my neck "Ahhng" I kept complaining "does he like my moans and my heavy breathing?" I thought. He unstrapped my bra I quickly covered them with my arms. I kept looking down but I could tell Bigby was amused he softy pulled my hands away " No more Mr. Soft guy eh?" I said " Nope" he said I closed my eye's as he unbuttoned his shirt and unzipped his pants. I kept to shiver it was cold without Bigby's touch "No! your just going to have sex with some other can I trust you! How do I know....that you don't like me because I'm just "Snow White the beautiful princess" how can I trust you to not be like Prince he broke my heart and made me hate my sister" I sadly said. Bigby palmed my cheek and said " I know I've been a asshole to you and I'm so fucking sorry I thought you...loved Jack and I couldn't handle that but I really do love you" he said. It started to become awkward we didn't know what to say or to do. I leaned on Bigby and kissed his lips I was so in the mood. I stopped kissing him and he sat down on his chair I sat on his lap and I took him out I slowly took of my skirt " Hurry up Snow!" He complained I quickly took of my panties. I looked at him for a moment " Snow...?" I got on his lap but I he still didn't go inside me. I felt his hands on my thais " Spread your legs..." He forcefully spread my legs and he went in " Ahhnngg why didn't you just wait nngg!" I said. He ignored me and kept to thrust into me "Aahh!" I complain I loudly moaned each time he thrusted. He didn't wait for me to adjust to his size "C'mon...shit..." He said " AAahng!!!" I shouted and slammed my face to his chest I kept drooling and embracing him, that's all I every wanted to make love with the man I love. He finally cum (😳), he pulled out of me and we both kept panting.

-Two days later

" No, no medications are necessary, Miss White. You'll want to exercise everyday, but don't overdo it. Other than that, eat when your hungry, and sleep when your tried, and eat soda crackers to settle your stomach" Doctor SwineHeart recommend " Thank you, Doctor SwineHeart. Goodbye now." I said " I guess congratulations are in order." he said walking out the door. I grabbed my phone and dialed Bigby's number " Bigby? Get your traitorous ass up my apartment in the next five minutes! I don't care if your busy! Move it or lose it!"

Thx for reading and thx for all your support guys😭 vote and follow to see what happens next😉

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