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Sorry Ive been out for so long. Haven't had many ideas so if y'all wanna help and give me some ideas go right ahead :3 Btw sorry I haven't updated, hope y'all still love me! Enjoy :P
Winters Pov
"Hey, little one." One of the bullies leaned against my locker, crossing his arms. Another 8th grader, of course. "Move please." I politely told him, looking down. "Hey, where's your little mommy? Oh right, she left you with that little slut Rose." I didn't really know what SLUT meant. "Move please." I repeated, "Hey. You know you could be a nice little pet. You're a wolf. And you're not completely stupid." He said. He took some papers out of his backpack and handed then to me. He leaned close to me, "This is my homework. I want these done before lunch. Get that? Little one?" I glared at him, I was scared but not that scared. He soon walked away, I strolled up to a trash bin and threw I in there. I rolled my eyes and left.
I reached out to the door nob, but someone opened it before me. "Hey, Winter!" Rose called out, happily. Stumbling onto the door. "How ya been?" I looked down at her hand, she had a beer clenched tight. I worriedly stared at her, she leaning against the door. "You've been drinking again, haven't you?" I asked her, concerned. She placed her bloody hand on the door frame, my eyes widen "What have you done?" I stepped back with caution. "What's wrong with you, hun." She walks up to me reached out her hand. "Who did you kill?" I could hear her heart beat fast. "I killed no one." She answered, crossing her arms, she was telling the truth. "Then what happened? Rose?" She stares at her hand, "I don't know.". "EVERYONE RUN! THE WITCH HAS BEEN SET LOOSE!" A man runs down the road, "Who has been set loose?! What witch?!" I question, "Theresa.." Red mumbled. Theresa walks in from the shadows "Ha. I'm finally free outta those hella chains." Theresa rubbed her wrists, "I heard your parents were gone so I decided to get out of that little prison your douche dad put me in and take advantage." She laughs.

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