Part 11: Through rough times

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-38 hours through labor

Bigby's P.O.V.

I sat on a chair next to Snow all I could do was hold her as she screamed in pain and squeeze my hand tightly. Snow's face was terrified and her eyes filled with fear, I knew she was never ready for this day to come. She kept squeezing my hand as hard as she could while I had a sorrowful face. " Ok, that's number 5... And now for number six." The Doctor said "I'm pretty sure that this is the last one Snow" I said "Hopefully..." I whispered. "Ahhnng!" Snow sobbed as she shut her eyes tightly " MAKE THEM STOP COMING OUT OF ME PLEASE!!!" Snow begged.

Theresa's P.O.V.

I kept hearing Snow scream in pain " What's wrong with Snow!" I worriedly asked " She's-hmm" A woman with short blackbbrown hair covered A blond mans mouth. I tilted my head in confusion " Why did you have to come here Jack!" A strange scary woman said with short white hair and a small pretty brown dress. I quickly hid behind Red " Don't worry Theresa, Holly's a good person" The woman with black brown said as she smiled kindly and I smiled straight back. "But what's wrong with Snow... Is she being hurt? Why?" I sadly said "No sweetie pie... She's.... going to be fine?" Red asked looking at the woman with white hair as I tilted my head. I heard a door unlock, then open. I turned around to see uncle, I quickly smiled and ran to him. I raised my hands to him to pick me up he looked at me for a moment and smiled. "Not now kiddo" he said he walked past me I was about to chase after him when I heard "Congrats! 8 lovely cubs Miss white!" I turned around to find that uncle left the door open I was too curious so I went into the room. "Snow" I happily said I found her smiling while holding 5 babies, some didn't look too much like humans. I ran to Snow and I grabbed the edge of the bed and got on my tiptoes and peeked at the cubs " Theresa your not suppose to be here they'll catch you..." Snow warned in a smoothing voice "But c-can't I stay a little longer?" I begged " You'll get to see them at home ok, sweetie?" I nodded and walked out through the door. I looked to my right to see the crowd of people I was in. I found uncle in the crowd. They were surrounding him, patting him and hugging him.

-half an hour later...
I was looking out the window of the car I was in as I looked at my uncle pushing Snow in a wheelchair as she carried 3 cubs while the others carried the rest. Uncle was pushing Snow towards the car I was in, I smiled my smile quickly faded as they both walked past the car I was in and placed my fist on my cheek and began to look out the window again.

- 8:12 pm at night
- Two hours has past
- in apartment 518

I was in my bedroom playing on the floor with wooden made toys, I was living with Red, everyday I had to face smelling fear from her. I knew she was afraid of me but I didn't know why... I started to get hungry So I got up and went to the kitchen to eat some cereal. I went to the kitchen to see Red pouring water in a glass cup " Red?" I said rubbing my eyes, she quickly turned around and I could smell fear again "O-oh Theresa! What's wrong?" she stuttered. I gave her a serious face and I could smell the fear grow " Can I visit Uncle...?" I asked " Y-yes! I-I mean yes y-you can go h-he's in... uh... 204... I think!" she kept stuttering. "Ok..." I said while walking to the door " B-but be careful!" she said as I walked out the door. I reached the door 204. I kept hearing yelling inside the room, I got on my tiptoes and tried my best to reach the door nob. I turned the nob and opened the door, I saw Uncle pointing a finger at Snows face and she slapping it away. They quickly stopped and turned to me, Uncle still had a angry face and Snow fixing her shirt. I gave both of them a angry face with my yellow eyes " Theresa, what are you... doing here?" Snow asked " I came to visit Uncle and I also heard there was a piggy!" I happily said trying to lighten up the room, then I looked at my feet " Well, you came the wrong fuckin' time!" Uncle screamed at me " Bigby?! Wha-" I interrupted Snow " No, I... I want to stay!" I begged " Where are the cubs?" I asked " There with Faith & Holly" Snow replied "Can I visit them" I asked "No sweetie yo-" I interrupted Snow " But you said I could visi-" Snow interrupted me " I know what I said but not now Theresa!" She said. Uncle stepped forward to me " Leave. Now." Uncle said with his eyes glowing dark red, he got close, very close and he started to become intimidating. He kept getting closer 'till I was outside and into the small hallway. Then he slammed the door at my face and I began to hear yelling again. I kept sobbing and ran to the door, I got on my tiptoes and pressed the down button. I reached the 1st floor and began to run to the door.

-Outside, night time
- 8:42 pm at night

I ran outside, I kept running until I stopped crying. I turned around to see myself lost in New York City.

Thx 4 reading😉 srry it was short I accidentally erase a few parts😑but then wrote them back😄 but vote and follow to see what happens next!

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