Part 8: Captured

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-At a far away abandoned building

Snow's P.O.V.

I've had 6 months already with my belly and no one had come for my rescue, " I guess they assumed that I'm dead" I thought. There was a tight rope around my ankle, and I was sitting on the cemented floor with grass coming out the cracks, and I was all dirty. " Why? why do you have me?! what do you want?!" I said to Bloody Mary sitting on a rusty chair, she stood up and walked over me she bent down and lifted my chin " Cuz' I need the Big Bad Wolf to come to your rescue... if he doesn't I will have to kill you and sent your head at his door step along with your children's " she replied "Then why do you have a shield covering this place!" I asked angrily "For when your boyfriend comes he'll turn into ashes" she said as she smiled. She took her hand off my chin and sat back down to the rusty chair.

-At Bigby's Apartment

Bigby's P.O.V.

I sat down and covered my teary eye's as Colin sat next to the T.V. " Aww, shit Bigby... you should stop searching for her it been already 4 MONTHS. She's already..." I interrupted Colin " No! she's not fuckin' dead Colin!!" I said " Fine..." Colin said and walked to the kitchen. I rubbed my eye's and walked to the door, " Where are you going at this hour?" Colin asked walking out the kitchen " Magic mirror..." I replied I could hear Colin sigh when I was about to close the door.

-in the business office
I walked up to the magic mirror " Magic mirror, wake the fuck up!" I said " oh why aren't you asleep?" He asked " Cut the shit! I need to find Snow! now!" I sternly said " I'm sorry Bigby but rules are rules" he said " you piece of shit!" I said "Just rhyme Bigby it not that hard..." he said ( I'm sorry if I'm not a good rhymer 😔lol) " Mirror Mirror, in front of me show me the door of mystery." I grumpily asked. He showed me a door but kept moving like the crooked man's door but changed faster " Fuck...can't you just show me the damn address or something?!" I asked " Nope sorry..." he said " Why the fuck not?!" I said " Calm down Bigby, I'm sure you'll find her...or..." He said "Or what huh?!?!?! I need to fucking find her if you don't tell me something right fuckin' now I'm going to smash you like Crane fuckin' did!"

-To the abandoned building

Snow's P.O.V.

"Well, c-can't I take a shower?" I asked "Tweedle Dum take her and hose her off!" Bloody Mary demanded " No...! uh....can't I?!" I asked. Bloody Mary smiled "Sure...outside the building then...?" she asked "Yes! tha-thank you!" I quickly walked outside with the hose, I washed myself up a little and started to run as fast as I could, it was very hard to run for 9. I started to run, * BANG!!!* I heard a shotgun go off " ARHG!!!" I felt a strong pain from the side of my back inches away from my heart. I fell on my right side with my hand sitting my up and the other gripping the grass on the ground from the pain of the bullet in my back. I looked at my belly and I could still feel them move "Thank goodness.................." I said "Bigby hurry!!!" I thought in my head clenching my side.

Thx 4 reading my story😉 I will try to do another part A.S.A.P. & vote and follow to see wat happens next

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