Getting Married?

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(Um yeah, idk how to tell u dis but Theresa is 18. The world she was living in-- the dirty kindom-- well, time past differently for her... Oh and prince brandish is... 23.)





"I'm more than happy.." I kissed his soft, warm lips. We separated, "Great then, we'll get married after this war." Prince Brandish smiled. "But first lets celebrate..." he whispered in my ear, kissing my neck "Gladly..." I giggled.

"Ma, what are you cooking?" Ambrose's asked, "Rice with beans, vegetables, and some meat." I said. "Awe, man. Why the same thing everyday?" Conner asked disappointed. "Conner, we don't have much money. I need to buy the cheapest things in the market." I said. "Then why don't you get a job?" Darien said, getting into the conversation. "I need to take care of you all! Do you know how hard it is being a mom?" I angrily said, Therese tapped Conner and Darien. She said 'shut. up.' with her lips.

Sorry for the short part! I was too lazy to do more lol. Vote and comment to see what happens next.

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