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"Mommy..?" Darien said as I brought him in the new house "Why are we living here?" He asked limping, his leg was broken, he was using crutches. We were living in the farm for a moment, but no one wanted Bigby in there. Blondie (Cindy) said that he was asleep and 'he won't harm you in any way.'. "Because we have no choice, the people who are hunting us down knew where we lived. And now we need to move to a different house. Plus our house is destroyed." I said, "I didn't have the time to bring my favorite book." Winter pouted sucking her thumb. After we explored the place we set Bigby on a bed, I pushed back his hair and kissed his rough lips. The fables fear this man, but I couldn't love him even more. "Snow....?" Bigby mumbled "Bigby?" I loudly said, "Snow? Snow, what--what happened to me?" he said trying to get up. "Uuggh! Nnng!" he grunted, "No, Bigby. Don't force yourself." I said, concerned. "How are the cubs?" he asked, I looked down. "Snow? Tell me. What the hell happened?" he said forcing himself up. "Are they hurt?" he asked again, "There was an bomb in the apartment, Bigby. The cubs are fine. I didn't know what to do... without you." I said looking at him, getting lost in his amber eyes. He palmed my left cheek and kissed me, I closed my eyes and returned the kiss. We pulled back, "I love you, Bigby. I was scared I'd lose you." I sobbed. "I would never leave you nor the cubs." He tightly hugged me.

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