Part 2: Being The Monster I Am

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-Snow's apartment
- 🕣 8:30 PM

Snows P.O.V.

"Oh...! Bigby- (I stood there I couldn't believe this...)-...Yes!" I said, he got up and slid the ring in my finger, then he gave me the biggest hug he could ever give " I love you Bigby..." I said hugging him back. " I love you more..." he said, I smiled .He separated our hug and gave me a kiss right then I could hear the cubs crying as the phone rang " Arhg!" I complained as Bigby walked to the cubs. I picked up the phone " Uh... hey Snow..." I heard a familiar voice " Nerissa...?" I said "No... Faith" she said " Ok...But I'm getting engaged with Bigby!" I happily said " Oh wow congrats! But I really do need help with-" I interrupted her " But I still only have 1 week left and I'm kinda taking care of the cubs and Theresa at the same time. I just can't right now, Sorry" I said trying to break the conversation. " No! uh... wait please?" she said in frustration " I--I'm--No... sorry.." I quickly hung up and walked up to Bigby cradling two cubs at once in both of his arms " Be careful Bigby!" I warned him " I am, I am... What--what was that about?" he asked " Nothing.... just Faith asking for help. But I don't want none of the business office's shit right now!" I said " Aren't we suppose to do a better job helping fables?" he smirked. "Yea, I..." I said rubbing my forehead, Bigby quickly put both of the cubs in their cribs " I just... wanna take a break, how will we take care of the cubs?!" I screamed in frustration, Bigby walked up to me " I'm sorry," I apologized " We can't ask Red to babysit the cubs because she's still injured from the... accident and we need to take care of Theresa since there's no one to take care of her-" I got interrupted " Snow we'll find a way... why don't you ask uh..." he hesitated to speak " Ask who?" I crossed my arms " Your Sister? She's the only one to ask and who we trust right now, I guess" he asked scratching the back of his head. " Fuck. No." I sternly said " Snow c'mon! She's the only one to ask!" he said " She- I can't trust her!" I said stepping a foot down " Fine! then I will ask her!" He said walking out the room. "Don't you even fucking dare!" I said chasing him out the room grabbing a hold of the ring in my finger " Snow! It's for the fucking cubs!!!!" He screamed at me " Fine, Fine! but if she--" I stopped myself from speaking even more " What? " If she" what?" Bigby asked turning to me. " It's..... nothing. Just call her already...!" I said walking into the other room, Bigby followed " What's gotten into you Snow...? You know you have to make up with your little sister at some point, Right?" He said "...just fucking call her!" I said and ran off to my bedroom. "Hello Rose?" I heard Bigby say " I should go check on Theresa... If she's ok" I thought, I walked to the door ignoring Bigby.

-At the Witches workroom
- 🕙9:30 PM

Theresa's P.O.V.

" Show me where she is..." I asked the small person sitting on my palm, he looked at his people and they nodded " We'll show you... but please don't tell the sheriff!" he begged " Fine... but if things go wrong..." I said " No! you won't tell him no matter what! Ok?" One of the men said " F-Fine! But show me where she is--" I got interrupted " Actually, we need to get the things on the list that she gave us. like poisons things like that... We will get what need to bring her" he sternly said " Fine... mind if I help? I guess..." I asked " Yes! that would be so helpful! thank you so much!" One of the woman said. I grabbed a tiny bag and started to fill it with poisons and other things on the list.


" Ok, you guys got what you need now sh--" I got interrupted by screaming " What the fuck?!?! What are you little shits doing here again?!?!" A Witch screamed " RUN!!!" One of the tiny people screamed at the top of his lungs. They quickly got the stuff they needed and ran into small mouse cracks, as I was trying to run away from the Witch, but I was still injured from the beating I got out of Uncle. I opened the nearest door next to me and locked it, I found myself locked in the place they make poisons and glamors. "I need to find a way out!" I thought, I looked around to find an exit. I found a window " Open the damn door you little shit!!!" The Witch screamed, " I have to run away... but they'll find me even faster if I don't change my look. I need to go back to Bloody Mary and no one is going to stop me!" I thought. I quickly grabbed a glamor and stuffed it in the little bag. " Hopefully it's for a girl" I mumbled, " Fuck..." I mumbled. I couldn't reach the window, I pushed a small desk to the window and got on the desk. I tried opening it " Shoot! it's jammed!" I said " Hnnng!" I grunted in frustration. "if Uncle finds out I was helping these people-- damn he might even throw me down the Witching Well." I thought. I could hear the Witch call for the Sheriff and that's when I found a vent, " Finally!!" I said. I tried kicking the covering, It wouldn't budge so I looked around I searched cabinets to check if there was anything to melt it or break it. I saw a bottle of acid I grabbed the bottle full of acid and quickly opened it I threw it on the cover and it melted. I tried crawling through but the acid burned as hell " Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I grabbed a rag and some alcohol for my wound for later but right then they have already unlocked the door " Thank you sheriff! your little.... niece stole my fuckin' poisons! And her little friends helped too!" I heard the Witch say, I looked at the door as it opened I quickly shoved the supplies into my bag and crawled into the vent as my hands burned " Ahhnng!" I sobbed, I left a small blood trail from my hands as I kept crawling even more into the vent " Shit! she used acid to melt the cover! Theresa! Come back let's talk!" Uncle said " nng " I kept sobbing.

Snow's P.O.V.

"Bigby! What's wrong?!" I said walking into the Witches room " Theresa left will a handful of supplies and ran off!" Bigby said turning to me. I crossed my arms " Fuck! How many Fucking times is she going to do this?!?!?!?!" I screamed " We need to find her! Just go check on the cubs please Snow. Rose said that she's coming tomorrow so... get ready. " Bigby said " Fuck..." I sobbed. I reeaally didn't want my sister to come. I hated her for what she did to me.

- Outside behind the building
Theresa's P.O.V.

I managed to get outside, there was a fence so I tried climbing over it into the bushes. But that wouldn't stop Uncle from finding me he can smell were I go unless I'm too far away, I could hear footsteps. I could tell that person was running, I could hear the fence make noise as someone was jumping over it " Fuck!" I mumbled and began to run. " Theresa!!! Fuckin' stop" I heard uncles footsteps get closer, I ran with all my might! But he managed to get me " Fuckin' let go!" I said bitting his arm ripping a piece of skin out "Fuck!" he screamed looking at his wound, I escaped his arms. The taste of flesh and blood made me hungrier for more, my eyes turned silver " Come, try me!" I said ready to kill my Uncle. Of course he could smell that I wanted to kill and he was 10 times stronger than me, but I didn't really care all I wanted was to taste flesh one last time " little girl! What're you doing?! You're going to get yourself killed!" I heard. I turned to my side to see the tiny people they weren't too far away, my eyes turned brown and I began to run to them " C'mon in my bag!" I said to them. I took them and gently put them in my bag as I ran " Theresa!" Uncle said. I could smell that he was darn pissed off at me. I wouldn't want to wait and see what he would do to me... probably kill. "Ok where does she hide or live?" I said " Just.... Move us to the nearest house!" One of The Little People said. I began to look around " There!" One of the men pointed out " Over there! To your right!" he said it was a old abandoned house " Let's hope there's a mirror here!" One of the woman's said " Why?" I asked " To reach her!" The woman said "Ok!" I said. I reached the door and opened it " Theresa!!! Come the fuck here NOW!" Uncle screamed He grabbed my shoulder, My bag fell including the people. " Let go... of me!" I said I turned around and bit his hand, Once I tasted blood again I couldn't let go biting his hand. Until he pushed me " Ah! Don't do something stupid Theresa!" Uncle said " Why'd you stop?!" I said " Stop What?" He asked " Being the " Big Bad Wolf"?! Isn't it better to be feared? taste the bitterness of flesh and blood" I grinned " No! It wasn't-- I didn't want to be feared anymore... You'd have no one to be friends with... no one to watch over you!" He said " So you only have a pig huh?! How nice is that?" I said " Now that I am a changed person I have a family and I couldn't be even happier to have them" he said " We'll see..." I said with a grin on my face as he gave me a sorrowful face. " C'mon, kiddo, We gotta go!" I heard someone say and felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to see Mary " Mommy!" I said, she gently picked me up. I didn't fear her she was like a mother to me, a mother that loved me very much. Uncle's face grew in shock, We quickly went in the mirror as Uncle chased us.

- At A Secret Under Ground Place
- A second later

" Mommy!" I said tugging her shirt " What sweetie?" She said as she played with my hair " I'm hungry..." I said with puppy eyes " Ok, I'll go bring something for you to eat" She said and left the room.

-Mins later

I was sitting on the floor playing with wooden dolls. " Here you go, sweetie!" I turned to her, I saw her bringing a man in with a cloth covering his mouth and rope tied around his hands " He's... Witnessed too much and he would tell on us... do you mind eating him for me? And if you eat bigger things this will help you become stronger as your uncle and once you become strong enough you'll be able to kill your uncle - A grin grew in my face - for what he's done to you. He doesn't care about you... He only cares about that family, he has and that pig Colin, he only thinks you are trouble. But I'm here for you... and I'll always be" She said before she threw the man to the floor. I stepped closer, The man managed to take off the piece of cloth around his mouth making him able to speak " NO! STOP!! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" The man begged then began to cry. " C'mon, Ichabod, I'll be fun!" Mary said kicking him in the gut. "Oof!" the man grunted in pain " No, please I'll do anything, please just don't let this monster eat me!" The man begged " You just insulted my daughter! I think she should decide what to do with you..." Mary said with a smile " Nighty, Night asshole!" I chuckled as I dug two fingers in his eyes. Then bit his neck, the delicious taste of blood and flesh in my mouth was the greatest thing I've ever tasted " That's my girl" I heard Mary say as I ate. " I love being the monster I am." I thought.

Thnx for reading people!!😉 I tried to make this a long part tho lol Oh! and don't forget to vote and comment to find out what happens next! Love ya guys!❤

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