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"No! Please don't hurt me!" Winter cried in fear "I'll take my time with you." Theresa pointed at her with a smirk. Right when she walked towards, Rose gets in her way and says "Leave my fucking family alone, you cunt." Theresa gave her an angered look. "I don't see what's ya problem with my family. I've heard about cha you damn witch. Or should I say Bloody Mary?" Rose spat. "Would you rather lose a sister or a niece?" "I won't choose." Theresa shakes her head, she takes a shard from her arm and sticks it into Roses throat. "I'm glad Bigbys dead, too bad I wasn't the one to kill him. But I'll enjoy murdering his little pups!" Rose couldn't breathe from all the blood that was coming out from her mouth, she felt like she was drowning. "Let your niece watch you take your last breathe." She slashes her throat and drops her in front of Winter, eventually Rose died. And Winter was a crying mess, with her drooling, and mucus coming out of her nose; it made her look completely helpless. "Please! I never did anything to you...Mom! Mommy! Please come save me... Daddy!?" A waterfall of tears stream down her cheeks. "Aw, you could make me cry. How's it feel? To get your heart ripped outta ya? That one person you deeply care about die?" "I've never felt that way." Winter admits, She sniffs. "Because honestly. I kinda hate my family." Her eyes turn red and she bites off a chunk of Theresa's arm. "Ah! Come here you little brat!" She slaps her and grabs her hair "I won't hesitate to kill you!" She roughly moves her around. "I WON'T!!" She claws Winters face, "Just how I wouldn't hesitate to kill your father. Bigby Wolf." She slashes Winter up with her sharp claws until Winter gave out.
" Papa..." Winter was laid on a bed, she was bandaged up and her body felt weak. She saw a man placing some surgical supplies in a bag, Doctor Swineheart of course. "Dad..." She loudly spoke, demanding attention "Sorry. I'm not your dad." He kindly said "Mom?" She sobs "She's not here." He walked up to her. "Then where are they...?" Winter knew all too well where they were at, she wanted a lie. She wanted him to say that they were coming back to see her and her siblings. She wanted to be consoled again by her parents. Swineheart looked away without a response, "Winter..." "Are they coming back?" She cried "I want to see them." She sat up. "Where are they?" She softly shook him, "I want to see them!"
"Winter, be quiet."
"No, no, please!"
"Please!" She began to throw a tantrum.
There was a knock on the door, Swineheart sighed and answered it. "What is it, Faith." He says irritated "Look. I just heard what happened. And since the Sheriff isn't around we need to solve things on our own now..." She crossed her arms. "So what? Are we going to assemble some sort of crew?" He said sarcastically, "Probably. It's the only choice we have right now. We have to fix this town up and with Theresa in the way it's not going to be easy." "You're planning on taking her down?" Swineheart opens the door a bit wider for Faith. She enters his apartment "Yes. Killing her seems like a good thing to do. Locking her up didn't go so good.".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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