Don't leave. Not again.

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"I missed you so much." I said, I hugged him back. I buried my face in his chest, "What happened? How long was I out?" he asked "Four weeks." I said. "We're having war Bigby." I said looking at him, "BlueBoy told me. I was shocked at first but they really are looking for wa--" "Fuck!" He said getting up. "No, Bigby! You have to rest!" I said getting up too, "No, I can't 'rest' Snow! I have to protect this family." he said as he put his forehead on mine. "Bigby I--" "I have to join the war." he said, "What?! No! Bigby you aren't doing that! You just woke up! You won't even have enough time with the cubs." I said, trying to convince him. "Snow. I love our cubs. And you. And I will do anything to protect all of you. Including fables." He said. "Bigby, please." I sobbed, "Don't. Don't leave this family. Not again." I said gripping his shirt. He gave me a passionate kiss, I kissed him back, I didn't want to lose Bigby. I already lost him so many times. He pushed me on the bed and hovered over me, he started kissing my neck. "Ah. Bigby." I moaned, he took off my shirt and undid my bra. He started touching me, he started biting and sucking my nipple. "Bigby!" I loudly moaned, he got up and pulled me up he gave me a deep kiss. He pulled away, "C'mon, we have to tell the cubs." he said.

This is the end..... I'm sorry I couldn't keep going. Thanks for all the votes I truly love u guys!






JUST KIDDING! Hahaha i got u didnt I? This the end of the first season.

Please vote and comment to see what happens next! 😄

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