Part 9 : Little Red

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-Outside the abandoned building

"Bigby........" I said as I was falling asleep. As I was about to fall asleep I saw a person reaching out to me " No..." I mumbled. I opened my eyes to be in a small cabin "What? where... Am I?" I asked myself. I was sleeping in a bed. I took off the blanket to find
A little girl cuddling me around my legs. "Oh! your awake Snow!" a woman said I looked up to see Little Red " Red?! what are you doing here?!" I asked "oh, I live here..." she replied as she brought a breakfast-table to me " she yours?" I asked "No...s-she's just a girl I found around here..." She said " Okay, Thanks so, so much for saving my life but you shouldn't be so close around the Crooked Mans crew " I warned. She frowned at me and gave me the breakfast table " Yea... this would be the only place I have " she said " Why don't you move to my apartment until you get back to your feet...I have a guest room so.." I suggested she shook her head " I cannot forgive the Big Bad Wolf for what he did to my grandmother..." she frowned " H-He's a changed man he saved Nerissa and Faith from the Crooked Man" I said "Are you even sure he's change his ways" she asked " Yes, he has" I quickly answered "Ok......" she sadly said " So...W-Who's the father-uh,n-not to be rude-- I-I just wanted to know" she asked "Uh...Bigby's" I replied she kept quiet for a moment "oh, congrats!" she smiled " Yea, uh, how did you find this girl is she a mundie?!" I asked "No she's a fable... she was in wolf form...When I found her" she said " What does that mean?" I asked " She might be Bigby's sister just saying" she said " What but i-isn't she too young to be his sister?" I asked "...Or maybe his...niece?" She said " Ok, can you help me get to Bigby please? Do you have a car?" I asked " I have a car but I have to fix it a little, I'll fix it now." she said " Ok, go do that" I said. I looked down at the little girl "She looks so peaceful" I thought I pushed back her hair behind her ear, her eye's slightly opened. She looked up at me and smiled, she got up tilted her head with innocent eyes "Hi" I said to her with a smile "You want a strawberry?" I asked taking a strawberry from the breakfast table and handing it to her "............thanks............." she mumbled ".....Do I have an uncle?!!!!" she happily asked and getting closer to me. "maybe..." I smiled at her innocent face "What's wrong with your stomach?" she asked while touching my round stomach. " Uh...I have cubs in my stomach" I said "Why?" she asked tilted her head " want more strawberries?" I asked dodging the question "Sure!" she said I was 'bout to hand her the strawberry when she ate it from my hand she smiled at me and giggled I smiled back at her "How old are you?" I asked "I'm 3..." she smiled "Wow, your a little too big to be 3 years old!" I said smiling at her "I make it possible" she said smiling back at me. "what's your name?" I asked "I'm Theresa!" she smiled " what's your name?" she asked " I am Snow White" I said " Oh, that's why your so white I thought you were coming down with something" she smiled. "Snow, I think it's ready!' Red said I placed the breakfast-table aside and slowly got up. Theresa reached her arms at me "Pick me up!" she sadly said with puppy eyes "ok" I picked her up gently " Wow! your light as a feather!" I giggled and she smiled back at me. I reached outside " Sorry, it a bit small..." Red said " That's fine" I said, I put Theresa on the seat and put her seat belt on I sat down and closed the door and put on the seat belt. " Uh...Red do you remember where is fable town?" I asked " More or less" she said tilting her head side to side.

-In the business office

-3 hours later
Bigby's P.O.V.

" Fuck it!" I said as I opened the door and fell to my knees I covered my teary eyes. Colin came out from the bathroom and spotted me "Bigby...are you ok?" Colin worriedly said "Bigby!!!" I heard Fly catcher scream out to me, I quickly got up and ran to him " What is it?!" I said I looked to the side and saw "Snow!!" I sobbed and I also saw Little Red but I mostly focused on Snow. I reached out for her and gave her a big long passionate kiss, I quickly looked down at her big belly and saw it was way bigger than I imagined. I touched her big belly gently and she touched my hands and leaned her forehead onto mine I kept looking at her belly and smiled and also did Snow. I stepped back and gave her another passionate kiss " Ewwww" I heard I stopped kissing Snow to see a little girl with silver hair looking at us " Who's she Snow..." I asked grumpily "Uh...she's..uh your her--" Snow got interrupted " Uncle!!!" The little girl reached her arms at me signaling me to pick her up, I stepped back " Who is she?" I asked " Um...your her uncle hehe..." Red said awkwardly I looked at her for a moment and soon to Snow "Yay...!" Snow said with jazz hands "wait your telling me that she's my--I put my hand on my forehead-- niece.. " I said pointing at her. She kept giving me puppy eyes to pick her up I looked at her for a moment and stepped back even farther away from her, she frowned and began to cry "waahhh!!!!!" she sobbed "Shh...just please be quiet, I'll pick you up if you stop crying!" I Said. Everyone laughed at me at my frustration and I just gave a angry sigh, I picked her up and she stopped crying and she gave me a big hug " What's all the ruckus" Nerissa asked with lots of paperwork on her hands "Oh! Thank goodness your ok Snow!" Nerissa said while giving Snow a hug with one hand " What the hell happened to you?! You scared us all!" Nerissa asked " Yea, where were you Snow you fuckin' scared the shit out of me!" I cursed " Your not supposed to say that..." the little girl mumbled in my ear " Shut up!" I demanded she gave me a frown and began to sob into my shoulder " Bigby?!" Snow said stepping closer to me. "No, Snow, tell. Me. Where. You. Were. Snow. Now." I said with a intimidating voice. " You know the Crooked Man's crew..well those Fuckers kidnaped me for 4 months and no one came to save me!" Snow said in my face I looked down with a angry face "So...Little Red Riding Hood came to my rescue!" Snow said crossing her arms " We need to find them and finish the job" I said " No Bigby! we can't do that in this condition!" She said " What condition! your the only one with a condition, I mean your fuckin' pregnant Snow and also look like shit!-Snow looked down- but I can do it I have no fuckin' condition Snow I'm in the fucking mood to rip Bloody Mary's head off!" *Slap!* Snow slapped me again " I know your the Big Bad Wolf but you can die and I mean die this time I cannot lose you ever again and you know why? because I fucking love you that's why...and also because you are going to be a father Bigby and soon...don't you want to see your children Bigby?" Snow said with tears running down her cheeks I put the little girl on the ground and she ran crying to Fly Catcher, I grabbed Snows jaws and pulled her in a deep kiss. Snow gently pushed my arms down and looked at me " I'll call doctor SwineHeart, we'll talk later." I said to Snow and went to Little Red. She stepped back when I got close to her "Thanks for saving can ever I repay you?" I asked She shook her head and said " No, I don't want anything to do with you..." she said and went to the bathroom without another word. I sighed and called Doctor SwineHeart " Hey Doctor SwineHeart guess what? Yep!"

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