CHAPTER THREE: Living alone

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Living alone

Theresa's P.O.V.

I was sitting in a corner holding my legs, trying to get some warmth with my glowing eyes, "My right eye turned purple for some reason. Maybe because I have Mary's power? No because of my father I bet, but I remember it was yellow. But some of my memories have come to me. And now all I think about is getting revenge from FableTown! It has been five years living in this dump! I forgot how it really felt to be cared for. To stay in a warm place and to get enough food and water. I'm like a stick! But at least I grew some muscle and today is my birthday! February 19 206. I turned eight, I wish I could've seen the cubs, all I wanted was to see the cubs when I went into Snow's apartment! But instead I get a damn broken leg!!!" I screamed. "I still can't feel my leg!" I mumbled. I crawled towards a puddle the rain has made, I looked at my reflection in the water. I was messed up! too thin! too dirty! too hungry! too thirsty! too... much. I splashed my reflection away, I grabbed an empty water bottle and filled it a little bit with water from the puddle. I grabbed its cap and closed it. I walked toward the edge of the building, I grabbed the half-full water bottle from the edge of the building. I put it there for it to get some water from the rain. I sat next to the fire I made to get some warmth, The fire was small, I somehow learned how to make fire by myself. The fire faded away leaving me in the cold "I need to... Go to FableTown! I need to get supplies, food, water... Uncle." I mumbled.

Snow's P.O.V.

" We finally got married!" I happily said walking into the bedroom also did Bigby. I turned around, Bigby quickly grabbed my waist and said " Let's have some fun!".

Srry it was short! 😔 I hope u guys enjoyed it! 😉 Vote and comment to see what happens next!


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