Part 3: A cubs death

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Theresa's P.O.V.
- At Secret Underground Place

I woke up in a bed to be sleeping next to mama. "Mama?" I whispered "Hmn...? What is it honey?" Mommy asked " What are going to do next?" I asked " Don't worry hon just stay here... Play with your toys" Mommy gave me one of my dollies.

- At the business office
Snow's P.O.V.

" BIGBY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO?! THERE'S TOO MUCH TO DO! WE JUST GOT ENGAGED AND IT'S GOING TO BE THE CUBS BIRTHDAY IN ONE MORE MONTH AND I HAVE TO GO TO WORK IN A FEW MORE DAYS! AND WE GOT TO GET THERESA FROM THAT PIECE OF SHIT BLOODYMARY!!!!!!!" I screamed at him as he rubbed his forehead in anger. " Snow, I can work a few more weeks until you guys settle things?" Faith walked into the conversation " A-are you sure?" Bigby asked " Yeah? it's fine I just don't want you guys too stressed out..." She said " Im going kill that pig!" I screamed walking out the business office " Snow! He's just a pig!" I heard Bigby say as I walked out the office. I walked to Bigby's place about to kick the shit out of that pig, I opened the door " Colin!!!!!!!! Where are you!?!?!?!" I sternly screamed. " What!" he came out from the kitchen " You Piece of Shit!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at him getting closer " W-what did I do?!" he said stepping *CRASH!!!!* I heard a loud noise from upstairs then I heard the cubs cry " Shit! No! Please don't be hurt!" I begged running up the stairs up to my apartment, I quickly opened the door and ran to the baby room. I saw the walls full of blood I looked down to see Ghost baby head............... I couldn't feel what I felt once I saw my babies head on the floor. I didn't know what to do, I felt like everything went slow I didn't want to believe... what I saw. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I screamed from top of my lungs and covered my face and pulled my hair a little from the pain I never wanted to feel never in my life. " NOOOOOO!!! PLEASE....BIGBY!!!!! HELP! HELP ME SOMEONE!!!!!" I screamed even louder. I heard my door bust open " I should've stayed...! I SHOULD'VE STAYED!!!!!!" I sobbed and fell hard on my knees. I turned to Bigby, he was speechless. Before I knew it, he began to break everything in my apartment as tears fell nonstop from his cheeks " Bigby..." I got up " I fuckin'- I don't want to... I can't live!" I scream/sobbed. Bigby hugged me very tightly I hugged him back " I'll kill who ever did this" he sobbed.

Theresa's P.O.V.

" Mommy!!!" I happily said running to her and giving her a big hug. "I brought food" Mommy said lifting a small bag full of blood " Yay!" *a-choo!* I sneezed " oh! baby are you sick?!" Mommy put a hand on my forehead " You're coming down with something?" she said as I began to cough " Ok, today we're going to go to sleep early" Mommy said as she put one hand on her hip " Awe... no..." I pouted " C'mon after you eat up we'll go straight to bed " she said. ".... Ok" I agreed as Mommy threw the bag to me.

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