In the hospital

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I gripped Therese hand as she slept on the hospital bed. Doctor SwineHeart came in the room "Well, the cut was very deep and she lost a lot of blood, But she'll recover and wake up soon." He said "Thanks." I said with a sad smile. My phone began to rang in my purse, I opened my purse and grabbed my phone. It was Bigby calling, "Bigby? what is it?" I asked "Snow, I got another call saying that the woodsmen got injured with the same cut Therese has. I'm going down to the trip trap. Since the incident happened there, I'm going to question Holly and Gren since the Woodsmen needs rest." He calmly said, I could tell he was trying to control his temper. "It's dangerous Bigby, just please be careful when you get there." I said, concerned. " This little girl did this, I am certain it was Theresa... but why the hell did she look and turn into Mary?!" He lost his temper "I've had enough of her BULLSHIT! SHE IS FUCKIN' DEAD WHEN I GET HER! I'LL RIP HER INTO PEICES FOR WHAT SHE'S DONE TO MY THERESE AND TO GHOST!" He screamed "Bigby, please, Doctor SwineHeart said that Therese was going to be fine. I just... don't want the same crap to happen again in this family. There's always something next month, next year, or next week!!! Sorry..." I apologized. "I just don't want anymore people to get murdered or hurt. Especially you, Bigby.. or the cubs. All I want is a happy family." I said getting teary eyed. "Mommy...?" I heard Therese say "Where am I?" She whispered "In the hospital, sweetie. Want to talk to daddy?" I said. She nodded and I handed the phone to her, "Mm.. Daddy?" she said "Hey, munchkin, Can you tell me who did this to you real quick?" Bigby asked "It was the same girl that came to mommy's apartment." She said "Okay, Munchkin, Bye." he said "Bye daddy, love you." she said with a smile "Love you too sweetie." Therese gave me the phone. "Don't worry sweetie, well find who did to you." I said kissing her forehead and leaving.

Sorry it was short! thanks for reading! Vote and Comment to see what happens next!

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