SEASON 2 OF THE WOLF AMONG US: The broken family.

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This is the season 4 of the bottom suckers!

What? This is the wrong channel? F*ck.



"What do you mean 'Leave'? You just woke up daddy!" Blossom sobbed, "You can't just leave us after you just woke up!" Therese angrily said. "I'm doing this to protect you all. I need to join the war and stop the people who're hurting us." Bigby kneeled down to the cubs. "No, daddy! We're not going to let you leave!" Therese said as the cubs tightly hugged Bigby, Bigby smiled, "C'mon. I need to go." Bigby's smile quickly faded. "No!" the cubs said, Bigby looked back at me "Snow...." He mumble shrugging, "C'mon guys! Stop it." I sternly said. "No! We're not letting daddy leave us!" Therese started to cry. " I'll be back soon, munchkin. I promise." Bigby said kissing Therese's forehead. "You promise, daddy?" Therese said as tears ran down her cheeks. "I promise." Bigby repeated, smiling. The cubs gave Bigby one last long hug. Bigby stood up, I walked over to him. "Where will you go?" I asked wiping away my tears. "I guess I'll go with Cindy.. she mostly knows more about the war." Bigby crossed his arms. "Okay.." My voice cracked, Bigby wipped the tears off my cheeks and gave me a passionate  kiss, I kissed him back, he turned his head to the side. We slowly seperated our lips. "I don't want you to go.... but I know your trying to do whats best...I love you.. always will." I said pushing back his hair, getting teary-eyed again. "I love you too Snow, ever since we first met." he said, caressing my cheek. "I have to go, Snow." he said walking over to the door, wanting to get it over with. "Bye, daddy! We love you!" The cubs said. Bigby pause first, then opened the door and left.

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