Part 2: Love me...

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Snow's P.O.V.

"Bigby... be gentle with me" I unstrapped my bra looking to the side with innocent eyes. Bigby started to kiss my breast as I put my hand on his hair doing curls as I moaned from his bites. I leaned onto Bigby giving him a passionate kiss. I kept bitting his lips he pulled me away from our kiss I looked at him, his eye's were turning yellow "What's wrong boy?" I teased him he looked up at me with serious eyes. He pushed me softly away off his lap. He got up and went to the kitchen to wash his face with water. I went behind him and put my hand around him for him to feel my breasts on his back, Bigby just stayed still. I lowered my hand and palmed him. Bigby stopped me holding my arm tightly. "Ow! Bigby that hurts!" he quickly let go of my arm I checked my arm. I had his hand marks on my arm. Bigby finally turned around he was half wolf form with his beard and claws but that was someway seducing to me. I bit my lip looking up and down at him I knew Bigby had seen me bitting my lip and looking up and down at him. Bigby pinned me to the wall touching my waist and putting me closer to him I stroked him through his pant his sexy moans made me feel completely turned on Bigby leaned closer to my face kissing me and giving me a deep kiss I moaned as his tongue danced with mine. I got closer to him my breast laying on his chest I slid down his pants I gave him a smut smile I started to feel his chest and kept lowering my hands down to his underwear and taking it off revealing himself I bit my lips even harder he turned me around to the wall * ring~ring~ring* the phone rang " Fucking great" I heard Bigby mutter I walked up to the phone "wolfs residence" I said " Uh... Snow?"
"Oh, Bufkin, what is it?" I asked " Nerissa is waiting for Bigby in his office" Bufkin answered "Ok,I'll let him know, thanks" I said " Guess who's in your office right now?" I asked turning to Bigby putting his clothes back on. Bigby shrugged his shoulders "Nerissa" I said "Apparently she told Bufkin that she had to talk to you about something...but that she'll only tell you. What do you think that could be?" I asked "Maybe about the fight last night?" Bigby responded "okay, I,uh, should probably go change these clothes" I said raising my khaki jacket up covered in blood "let me know when your done with Nerissa" putting on my clothes and leaving

30 min later-

I picked up the phone "Snow can I talk to Bigby please! I need him to come." a woman said " Beauty? Beauty, if this is about- "I just need him here!" Beauty said desperately "Ok, I'll go get him"
I said. I reached Bigby's office and knocked no respond so I knocked again no respond again so I opened the door and found Bigby and Nerissa kissing. Bigby's shirt was unbuttoned and his tie on the floor along with Nerissa's underwear "What. The. Fuck." I muttered they quickly separate Bigby got up from his chair and started to scratch the back of his head. My eyes started to tear up I felt a tear fall down my cheek I quickly wiped it away "Beauty and Beast called just now. they want you to go to there apartment " My voice cracked a little, Nerissa grabbed her bag and walked next to Bigby and touched his hand I started feeling even more jealous "I think you should GO to your next business I don't think you will be wasting your time" she said " Wait you don't have to leave" Bigby said Nerissa kissed his lips and left. Bigby stepped into his office and opened his drawer taking out a cigarette pack "So... what did she say." I said "well not much because she felt rushed out " Bigby said angered I turned more pissed than before Bigby put his hand on his forehead "What did you expect me to do" he said pissed "I expected for you to do your work but instead you tried to have sex with Nerissa!" I cried " I didn't try to snow! Stop being a bitch about it!" Bigby said pissed off storming out the door lighting his cigarette and went into the elevator I began to cry "I love him so much but now he just thinks I'm-I'm a...." I thought sobbing

1 hour later-

Bigby returned to the business office "Good timing" I thought dealing with the assholes. I turned to him and saw him all bloody "Bigby! what happened! are you hurt?!" I asked he looked at me with a grin I got afraid of him. I took a step back from him "look what got" he took something from his pocket. "The shard!" I said " looks like your dog wants a biscuit " Bluebeard said teasing both of us. " Not in the mood" I bit my lips for a second."Bufkin, can you fix the mirror now?" I asked "With pleasure Miss White!" Bufkin said "Good work Bigby really" I said I looked down at his arm "Bigby what happened to your arm again?" I asked "That slimy prick Jersey did this to my arm but it'll heal soon" he said. I looked at Bluebeard and Toad arguing I put my hands on my forehead and sighed "Do you need some help?" Bigby asked I smiled "Yeah...but I," I got interrupted " Bigby! I need your assistance " Bufkin said "Ms. White!" Bluebeard & toad said angered "You are going to wait we are dealing with some bullshit right now! I will assist you after the problem is done... I just need 30 minutes of peace and quiet!" I stormed out and started to run. While I was running my heal broke off. I fell and hit my head on the wall of the hallway I looked around if anyone saw me. I got up and took off my high heels I touched the cold floor with my feet and I shivered from how cold the floor was. As I was walking I heard foot steps behind me. I saw the man's shadow trying to reach my shoulder. I threw my high heels on the mans face "Ouch!" I got a good look at the man and it was "Bigby?!" I said "What're you doing?" I asked "looking for you" he answered I sighed "What! What do you want" I said "You went storming off so I...What happened to you" he touched the side of my cheek I started to blush but he didn't notice me blushing "W-what?" I asked " You got a bruise on your cheek" he said "Oh...I just hit my face with the wall when my high heels broke " I said while his hand still remained on my cheek. I leaned forward and gave him a passionate kiss. His lips started to move he pulled me close I forced my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues danced together for a while I kept moaning each round. Bigby pushed me softly and said " The mirror is fixed " " I don't want to go now" I said pulling his hand "Fine, then you go take a break and I'll fined the Crooked Man" he said " No! Uh...- I" I said I leaned to him and his lips touched mine he stopped kissing me and said "After we deal with the Crooked Man" he started to walk back to the office I ran to my apartment room to get new shoes after I rummaged to get the perfect shoes I ran back to the business office I was about to open the door when someone had already opened it "Bigby!" I said with my hands on my chest "You scared me...So did you find the Crooked Man?" I asked "Yes, I found him. I have to go now 'cause his door moves so I have to get there before it moves" he responded "I'll go with!" I said "No! It's too dangerous" he said "No! I'm coming I can't lose you again Bigby!" I said " I would die if you died because of me!" He said and he began to ran."I'm so glad I didn't wore high heels" I thought to myself. I followed Bigby as fast as I could to the portal that leads to the crooked man and Bigby kicked the door open " Bigby!!!" I shouted running to him and I started to catch my breath. "I'm coming too!" I said " NO! Stay here! " he ran into the portal I ran after him through the portal I fell on the floor " Argh!" Bigby turned around "What the Fuck Snow!" He shouted "Now, now, The crooked man is waiting for Bigby...But he won't expect Miss White" a strange man said "Tim?" I said "you were expecting Bigby?" I asked "Well, yes-" "let's just get this over with already!" Bigby interrupted Tim. I was walking behind Bigby as they were talking. We reached the door and Tim opened it Bigby came in first I came in last "We've been waiting for your arrival...I see you brought a guessed with us" the strange man said he revealed his face from the darkness. "The crooked man" I thought " Hello! Bloody Mary came out of the shadows " We meet again" she smiled Bigby gave her a evil smile. I didn't know what kind of emotion I had all I knew was that some shit was about to go down. Bloody Mary pulled out a gun, in it was the silver bullet "Oh, no." I thought out loud, I felt hands going through my hair. I quickly see one of the tweedles I bumped onto Bigby a little he looked back and saw Dum stroking my hair "Hey! leave her the fuck alone!" He shouted grabbing me close to him "Awwe, protecting your princess eh?" Dum Georgie chuckled a little. he got up from his seat and grabbed me out from Bigby's protective arms and started touching me I tried to pull away but failed "You motherfucker!" Bigby roared and threw Georgie to the wall hurting the right side of his arm leaving him claw marks I looked to my left and saw Bloody Mary aim at Bigby "No stop!" I screamed, I got in the way and took the shot to the chest I clenched my big deep wound to stop it from bleeding any more Bigby noticed the blood pouring out my chest I'm losing more blood than Bigby did. I fell down to the floor, Bigby trying to catch me "I told you not to come" he sobbed I wiped a tear of his cheek "Yeah, but you would have died even if I w-wasn't........" My eye's began to close I didn't know if I was going to die so I said my last words I wanted to say to Bigby for a long time " I love you Bigby..."

Thanks so much for reading I will try to make it ASAP! Vote & follow if you want to see what happens next.

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