Part 1: Their Dirty work

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Part one of chapter 2:

Their Dirty work

Theresa's P.O.V.

" Arhg!" I grunted as I tried to get up from uncles dirty and dusty old chair, "I don't want to stay here anymore!" I screamed. "grr.." I got up and once I did I quickly fell on the floor " Crap..!" I got up again holding my side, I walked to the door " where are you going..." I heard someone say behind me. I quickly got up and turned to see a pig, a fat pig behind me " huh? what are--who are you?" I asked " I'm Colin, from the three little pigs. And I'm babysitting you or Bigby will take me to the farm so..." he lazily said " So a pig is "babysitting" me... why hadn't uncle eaten you yet?" I asked reaching the door nob " Rude kid....Because we have... let's say me and Bigby--we're friends" he finally found his words "..."Friends" huh?" I said turning the nob " I'm surprised! Really... maybe he is just--" I opened the door "He's just what..?" he asked me. " Nothing..." I smirked, "No wait! Come the fuck here! What do you mean!" He asked me as I walked out the door " I said "nothing"!" I screamed back at him and left. I reached the elevator. The elevator doors opened, I walked in and pushed the 13th floor, 'cuz I heard witches work there.


The elevator doors opened. I walked out and saw a door with a sign that said
"Witches Only this is tough shit!👌" Even tho, I pushed the door open and walked in. I saw a room full with magical things like poisons, I also saw little people, and many other things. I wasn't too sure why there was little people roaming around I just thought they were so cute! So I went and picked one up " No! let go of me! everyone run!" The little thing warned his people " No! why are you leaving?!" I sadly asked " Because y--you'll give us to the Sheriff he'll know! and we don't-- we can't fail this mission! If we do... All of our families will surely die...!" He sobbed. "Why...?" I asked " Because of... *sob*... Bloody Mary" he kept sobbing, I stopped holding him tightly in my hands and let him sit helplessly on my small palm "But isn't she suppose to be dead?!" I asked " Kid She's part glass, and part mirror. If you can destroy all the mirrors in this rotted mundie world-- well that would be the solution..." He stopped sobbing " W--what where you guys trying to do...?" I asked " Why should I tell you?!?!?!" He asked in anger " 'cuz if you don't I won't help you..." I smirked " Fuck... who are you?" The person asked " Theresa. Theresa Wolf." I replied with a smile " Shit" he said looking to the side " We were um... we were stealing poisons for that lunatic Bloody Mary..." he said " c--can you help us! please! w--we don't have anyone else to turn to. We're going to die if we-- oh god!" One of the woman begged " I don't kn--" I got interrupted " Please we--WE CAN'T JUST LET OUR CHILDREN DIE!!!" One of the woman screamed then fell to her knees and started to cry as they wait for my answer.

Thnx for reading guys!!!!!!!! srry it was short😔Vote and follow to see wat happens next!!! love ya guys 💋and thnx for all ur support!!!!

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