Y/N's Background Info

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A/N: Here's a brief timeline. It's not super exact, but it's practically all you need for now.

TW: Mentions of Sexual Assault

Ages 0-9: Neglected by biological parent.

Age 7: Starts self-teaching basic combat skills. (You were practically self-taught about everything so you were a lot smarter than most kids your age)

Age 8: This is where you pick up your guitar hobby. You found one in the attic of the house and your parents never cared about it.

Age 9: This is where your biological parents abandoned you. They dumped you in Meteor City but instead of leaving, you decided to stay for two weeks to help someone. After you succeeded, you left the city.

Ages 9-14: Placed in and out of abusive foster homes. You forced you yourself to learn more defensive techniques and other combat skills.

Age 13: You were assaulted by a foster father. The foster mother didn't notice, nor care.

Age 14: You gave birth to Maxine your daughter. You were still with the same foster dad, who had a problem with alcohol while the foster mom was never home at all.

You managed to care you and your daughter for a few months.

The conditions in that household get more and more abusive, so you decided to run away with your baby.

Age 15: You had to put your 1-year-old in the foster care system. You believed it was better than having her live in the streets.

You promised her you'll find her again one day.

A few months later, River and Carol (your current parents), found you on the streets, listened to your story, and took you in as their own daughter.

You start learning about hunters and decide to become one yourself. You believed it will help you find Maxine easier.

Age 16: You officially begin your training with River and Carol to become a hunter. You took the hunter exam and passed.

Age 17: You start to learn about the basics of nen.

Age 18: Sent to Heaven's Arena to get more fighting experience and improve your nen before you start your search for your daughter.

A/N: That's pretty much all you need to know atm. You can expect Chapter 2 to be out in around 2-3 days. Comment things you wish to see as well and I'll do my best to make it happen.

Published: 3/21/21
Last Edited: 7/31/22

A/N (from 1/18): I changed this a lot because I forgot to change the details I edited for the storyline.. whoops 💀

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