Chapter 4: Encounter

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"WHAT THE HELL?!?", shouted the blonde. "Are you following me?!?".

"NO NO NO!", I answered as a quickly got up with panic. "I sensed aura following me so I hid in the trees to look for the person it's coming from. Was it you who was just using your nen? Or is someone else actually following me?", I asked.

He scares the living shit out me. Note to self: Don't mess with the blonde boy.

"I- Yes, I was just using my nen right now", he answered.

I took a sigh of relief. "Sorry to startle you like that. I can assure you that I'm not following you. However, if you don't believe me, I'll stay and sleep here on the floor for the night".

"Fine, stay there then", he replied.

"Fine. By the way Blondie, the seek of revenge in your eyes is as clear as day. Even in the dark~", I replied with a slight chuckle.

"Excuse me?!?", he said.

"Relax Blondie, I won't ask for details. You can leave now".

"Fine, but can you stop calling me Blondie?", he asked.

"You never gave us your name earlier, so what else am I supposed to call you?".

"Cut the crap (Y/N), just stay here for the night so I'm sure you don't follow me", he replied.

"Awwww~ You remembered my name. Sounds good to me", I said as we both just flipped each other off.

He walks away far enough to the point where I can no longer see him. Along with his urge for revenge, I could also see such sad emotions within him. I could tell he had been bottling them up for so long, and it was heartbreaking. I just sat there in the middle of the path. A few seconds later I get a phone call from Gon.

"Hey (Y/N)!! How's it going?".

"Pretty good I guess. I applied for a job that's involved with the auction, which should help out Kurapika and I a lot to contact the Spiders. Have you been able to reach him?".

"No, he hasn't responded to any of my calls or messages. It scared me at first but this is Kurapika we're talking about. He's really strong, so I'm sure he's fine".

"Well that's good to hear. I wish I could talk to him as soon as I can though. I want to see if he knows anything about them that can help me out. Where are you and Killua right now?".

"We came to my home in Whale Island to visit my Aunt Mito. I know I said I wouldn't call you before September if Kurapika didn't answer but I just got bored".

I chuckled, "It's alright kid, I'm not doing anything right now anyways".

"She gave me a metal box that was my dad's and it had a few things inside of it. A ring, a gamecard and a cassette tape. I had to open the box with nen. The tape mentioned he created a game called Greed Island. I believe if I obtain the game and play it, I could find another clue to locate him!".

"I'm sure you'll find him soon. Take care Gon, and tell Kil and your aunt I said hi".

"I sure will, take care (Y/N)!".

"You too Gon".

I hung up the call and then I started to see the blonde walk back towards me. 'What the hell is that about?', I thought.

"How the hell do you know him?", he asked.

"Know who?!?", I asked as I put my hands in the air. It looked like he was about to fight me. "Why are you even back here?".

"I recognized that voice over the phone. Then I heard you mentioned my name and the Spiders. That's when I started to listen carefully", he replied.

"Ok so if I'm correct, you're Kurapika?", I asked.

"I am. Now how do you know Gon and Killua?", he asked.

"I became friends with them at Heaven's Arena. I know you have your business with the Spiders but I have my business with them as well. Gon never gave me any details. However, he did talk a lot about you and Leorio during the hunter exam. He even invited me to meet you guys in Yorknew City because he thought you guys would like me. As far as I know, you're not the same Kurapika he had mentioned before. I could never imagine him becoming friends with someone as cold as you", I explained.

It was silent for a couple of seconds before Kurapika replied with a sigh, "You can put your hands down now. I'm not going to hurt you".

I sigh in relief once again, "That's good to hear".

"You don't have to sleep out here for the night. If you're friends with Gon and Killua, I'm pretty sure I can trust you enough", he replied.

"Thanks..", I said as we both just silently walked back to the city. We both then took our separate ways. I didn't dare to talk to him.

Word Count: 844 Words

A/N: Wow, ok I got this out on tbe same day 🧍(it's currently 1:22 am as I publish this). Ik this was kinda short, I just wanted some more interaction between Y/N and Kurapika. Expect the next chapter real soon! ❤

Published: 3/25/21
Last Edited: 7/26/22

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