Chapter 28: Lust Leak - The Party • II

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Although their game was originally just between Kurapika and Naomi, (Y/N) was helping him out here and there. Naomi allowed it, however her skills were definitely challenging against the two of them. Leorio had no problem being there, and it wasn't just because of the thrills.

He had sensed a familiar bloodlust brush passed him, but he couldn't lay his finger on it just yet. He tried his best to ignore it and enjoy the game his friends were playing. He already knew they had enough on their plate, especially (Y/N). However, he wasn't the only one who felt this.

Kurapika, (Y/N), and even Naomi all felt a little uneasy. They all did their best to ignore it as well, especially since 10,000,000 was on the line.


I could feel different waves of what feels to be bloodlust swift passed me from time to time during the game. I kept contemplating whether or not I should pause to mention that, but the energy between the four of us just felt too awkward to say anything. Even Naomi seemed to be a bit uneasy, but I couldn't tell if it was because of us or if she could feel that too.

We eventually won the game, but Naomi finally broke the long silence.

"Are you guys feeling that? It's really unsettling..".

Kurapika and Leorio gave each other a look, not knowing if they should admit to it or not.

"I think we all did", I replied.

"What the hell is that?", she asked.

"Um..", I muttered.

"Is it who I think it is?", Naomi questioned as her eyes slightly widen.

"No, if it was I would've known a while ago", I replied.

"Leorio, stay with Naomi for a bit. (Y/N) and I need to go check on the others", Kurapika said as he stood up from his seat. "If that starts to get more suspicious, text one of us".

He grabbed my hand and we started walking towards Melody, since she was the closest to us.

"Did you feel that too?", Melody asks us.

"We did", I replied.

"Is it possible for you to catch a heartbeat through something like that?", asked Kurapika.

"I can't track a person through it alone, but I did happen to catch a couple of beats that surround it. I can't say what their true intentions are, but I don't believe it's anything we should worry about. Just make sure to stay close throughout the night, just to be safe", she explains.

"Will do, thanks Mel", I replied as I waved goodbye to her.

We continued to walk around the casino and check up on the others. Basho was doing well in a game of Poker, while Linssen seemed pretty focused on a game of Blackjack. Kaimen and Kaiyō were occupied with the slot machines.


"You're quite the fearsome one tonight, aren't you?", Hisoka teased.

"Just hurry up and find him already, I don't want to be here any longer than I have too", Illumi replied.

"Aw, why not? Are you not a party person?", he asked.

"I don't have time for "parties". I just need to get this done so I can head back to the mansion", Illumi replied.

"You're really no fun, you know that?", Hisoka replied with a sigh.

Silence continued to grow between the two of them, and they continued walking through the casino as they are still in search for the man.

"The roof is open during the countdown, everyone heads up there to see the fireworks", Hisoka explained in order to break the silence.

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