A/N: Fun Facts 😏

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Omg, if you made it this far, I am very impressed. These facts are just mainly about the book, and there's no specific order. I'm just going to bullet them.


• Soooooo to begin with, I already know how River and Carol met and I basically have their whole love story engraved in my brain. I've known this shit for MONTHS. I don't know if I ever plan on making a chapter about it, especially since it's not necessarily relevant to the plot.

• Also I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned this before, but River is trans. The more you know ✨️

• While developing the timeline for (Y/N)'s life, I did give her a birthday month/birthday to make my life easier. That is March/March 23rd, meaning that she is older than Kurapika. (you can change it if you want, but still expect a birthday chapter for (Y/N) sometime in March).

• My birthday is March 23rd 😇 and I actually published Chapter 2 that day. The commitment I have for y'all <3

• So like, you know the Scarlet Bound arc I just completed right? Yeah, I wrote that based off and ACTUAL dream I had. It was so lit. Literally.

Basically what happened was that Kurapika asked Leorio and I to help retrieve the scarlet eyes (you know this). Instead of me being a maid, I was in a nutcracker costume because I was like "the clown" Leorio played in the book, in a way at least. Naomi, James and those people weren't in the dream but the whole mansion in flames thing was.

And yes, Kurapika held me in his arms 😍 in my fugly-looking nutcracker disguise though.. but anyways. We were successful 💅 but instead of rolling on the floor like i wrote, we landed on some random ass lake that randomly spawned out of nowhere??

I had no idea what our actual relationship was but he carried me on his back while swimming because I apparently injured my leg? I never knew I did until I looked at it and went 😳. Like damnnn, I must've had an insane pain tolerance or something.

Those were really the only differences. The carnival and fireworks were still there any everything.

• Unintentionally, Carol's character is kinda based of Snow-White.. and I have no idea why. I don't even like Snow-White that much. But like her mirror ability is basically the Evil Queen's magic mirror. She's even got the short black hair. Damn.

• I was originally going to give (Y/N) an older biological brother. I only didn't because he's kind of irrelevant to the plot. His name would've been Charles/Charlie (or something else if I decided to keep him). He would've been 23 right now, since (Y/N is currently 18. So a 5 year difference.

• Carol's birthday: February 14th

• River's birthday: April 19th

• Maxine's birthday: September 23rd

• Unrelated to this book, I want to start working on a new one-shot book soon.. I'll take requests 💪(it was originally a 2k special but damn life sucks). I'll start it now, but I don't plan on publishing anything just yet. I'll start publishing chapters during the summer latest, because I take priority over this book first.

• I'm estimating this book will have 80-100 chapters.. I still have a lot planned. There may be a possibility for a second book..

• Yes, I will go further then the election arc. I will be writing events taking place during the dark continent/succession arc (which happened in the manga).

• (Y/N)'s Dream Steam ability was a concept I created with Isabella's Lullaby from The Promised Neverland. If you're curious and don't know what it sounds like, the video is below.

^ This is the official song in the anime.

This one below is a gutiar version to help you imagine it better (since (Y/N) specializes in it).

This lullaby (Y/N) uses doesn't have to be this, but it's how I originally got the idea. If you have any other good alternatives, let me know because I'm interested 😋.

• (Y/N) can play piano and a little bit of the harp.

• (Y/N) can sing, if she really wants to. The only person she ever sung to was Maxine, otherwise it would be herself. Technically, the lullaby is just a hum but she's sung other songs before.

Ok, so I was about to call the following headcannons, but I forgot this was my book 💀. So this is a list of Kurapika & (Y/N) things are technically ✨️canon✨️ (in this book at least).

• 99% of the time Kurapika's hands are the cold ones. I did mention his hands were warm once. But typically, (Y/N)'s warming him up.

• This one should be clear, but I'll just straight-up say it. Kurapika's more affectionate with his words, while (Y/N) is more affectionate with physical touch. Yes, they do both, but they specialize in those.

• Since they begun dating, Kurapika has told stories from time to time about his clan, and his life before the massacre. Stories including Pairo, their home in the Lukso Province, etc. Basically everything you (most likely) already know.

• When spending time in the rooms, (Y/N)'s is more a daytime spot while Kurapika's is more for the nighttime. Her room has a balcony and his room has a fireplace.

• Kurapika loves (Y/N)'s hands, specifically holding them. He also loves doing the little circle thing with them as well. You know when he kissed her hand the before their first dance at the ball? He just recreates it whenever he feels like it.

• Both of their favorite fruits are strawberries.

• They try to go to town together at least twice a month.

• They both keep their pendants with them in some form. Whether they're actually wearing it on their neck, or stored in their pocket, they have it on them.

That's all I can think of at the moment. As time goes on, I'll make a second part of fun facts. I published this around 11:00 pm on a Saturday night so it really shows when I like to publish 💀. Anyways, no matter what time of day you're reading this, I wish you a good day/night!

With love, Ally.

Word Count: 1,057 Words.

Published: 2/19/22
Edited: 2/20/22

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