Chapter 18: Gameplay

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September 10th: The first three days were nothing much. By now I learned some important details about the game, since they both played before. We're all settled to sleep for the night in a tiny cave near a town called Antokiba.

"(Y/N)! Come over here quick!", River exclaimed.

I ran over towards them and Carol was using her hall of mirrors.

"Look at this", Carol said as she pointed her finger to one of the mirrors.

~ The Mirror Reflection ~

"There's nothing to do if we go home, do you guys want to play with me?", asked the blonde man.

The blonde looked like he was doing some type of coding with the game console. I'm no tech expert, so I'm not entirely sure what that was about.

"Is this related to troupe business?", asked the woman with glasses.

"Yep", the blonde man replied.

"We understand", the woman replied as both her and another nod their head.

"How's the girl?", asked the one with the mop-like hair.

"She's been quiet since Paku's death", replied another woman with pink hair.

The woman was sitting on what looked like a crate, with one of her knees up to her chin as her other leg dangles below. The look in her eyes was just so sad as she just stares at what looks like to be grave.

"Isn't she always quiet?", said the woman with glasses.

"Yes Shizuku, she just means that she's more quiet than usual", explained the man with big earlobes.

"Poor kid, she was like a mother to her", the blonde replied.

Wait.. Pakunoda is dead? She didn't follow the conditions Kurapika had set using his Judgement Chain? Did she inform them of that night? If so, we could be in a hell load of danger. I was informed by Pakunoda herself that she's basically the one who raised her. Her death definitely had an affect on Max.

But still, I find it hard to believe that a group of thieves and murderers can feel such strong emotions like this. I could tell from the pink-haired woman's eyes that she was grieving. I even felt bad for her. I'm not sure how a 3-year-old would respond to this at all.

"Are we taking Maxine?", asked Shizuku, the woman with the glasses.

"I don't know, we can decide on that later. Although now that I think about it, we might have to bring her since it's for Troupe business. We'll all have to be there", said the blonde.

"We'll call it a night then", the pink haired woman said.

The rest of them had parted their separate ways throughout the building and I haven't seen Max.


Carol's mirrors then faded away as the vision disappeared. We were about to call it a night as well.

"So starting tomorrow we'll head to Antokiba and earn some spell cards that will help us with the search. We can check on the Troupe every night like we just did until they leave", Carol explained.

"Sounds good to me", River said as he lays down.

"Ok, but what are we going to do when we find her?", I asked.

"I'm not entirely sure. We're not facing the Troupe though, that's out of the question. The only thing we can do as of now is just spy on them and figure out what they'll do. We can't rescue her unless we find the perfect time. And that's when she's away from the Troupe's hands", she explained.

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