Chapter 36: Blurry Figures & Older Memories - Scarlet Bound • IV

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I'm only aware that I'm dreaming when I steam myself. The three times I've ever done it were all on accident while I was developing my ability. Every time it occured, the three dreams I've had all shared one thing in common.

A small, dark room. It actually wasn't eerie or unsettling at all. The room was rather quite cozy, with the moonlight peeking through a beautiful large window with sheer-looking curtains. And everytime I've had that dream, there would always be a slight blur in my vision.


I can see the room clearly? It seems so peaceful here. There's something in this room that I couldn't notice before because of my blurry vision. It was a dusty-pink colored door, which I had mistaken to be an unfinished paint job before. Curious, I opened it to see what was behind it. It was pitch black, and the effect of it made the space seems incredibly empty, yet endless. But I wouldn't necessarily say it was completely empty.

There were two figures in the distance. Dimly lit and pretty far out, I wasn't sure if I should walk out. But it was extremely tempting.


Those people look familiar.

But who could they be?

I couldn't tell from the distance I was standing away from, but their figures appear to be a man and a woman. Maybe I should go towards them? It's the only thing my gut is telling me to do.

After all, it's just a dream right?

I can't wake myself up from the effects of my steam, or I suppose I just don't know how to yet. The time I spend in these dreams feel a lot longer than they actually are in reality. I suppose I should try to kill some time while I'm in here. I begun to walk on a floor that was practically invisible. I approach to the figures step by step, but it seemed to me as if they were getting further as I got closer.

Was I hallucinating?

I don't think so, but this is also a dream. Who knows what's happening..

Who are these people? And why I do strongly believe that I've known them before?

As I kept walking towards them closer and closer, it only felt like they were getting further and further. It got to a point where I began to start running to them, hoping that I would actually get closer. Suddenly, a large full-length mirror appeared in the path and I ran into it before I could stop myself.

I ran through a mirror..?

It was more like a portal, and I thought of it like that because I was now only about twenty-five feet away from the familiar figures. They were facing back when I first encountered them, and they still were until I actually started to walk closer to them. The two turned around to face me, and their faces were blurred.

Was that really all for nothing?

I circled around the two, hoping I could figure out their identities. The woman had hair similar to mine, while the man had my skintone.

Wait a minute.. were these people my parents?

Not Carol and River, I would recognize their faces immediately, even in a dream. I turned around and saw them in the distance. Their faces were also blurred, but I could tell it was them. Ma had shoulder-length, ebony black hair with streaks of sliver, and Pa had longer hair in a lighter-brown shade, which was always braided by Ma.

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