Chapter 14 - Colossal Titan

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"What do you mean?" Vien asked

"Eren and the others hurried out of bed and went to the town just now, I just saw a group of people on the road with horses" Mina explained

She chuckled, "Are they skipping breakfast? Let's go there ourselves"

Mina then nodded excitingly, and waited outside for Vien whilst she was cleaning herself and getting ready. When they went out, they roamed the town to find the cadets


"Hanji, remember that our mission is to get rid of titans that breached the wall, and not to capture one"

Erwin scolded Hanji, since she kept going on about catching another one so that her titan back in quarters would have a "friend". She whined for a bit but she soon became excited again when they finally arrived at the town village

The Survey Corps was welcomed with a crowd of people, some were cheering loudly and others gave dirty looks. When they travelled down the town road, Hanji noticed that a group of people they were slowly approaching were wearing the brown uniform. She beamed after realizing some of them were the 104th cadets that she'd meet

"Erwin, isn't this the town where our new batch of soldiers were transferred to?" Hanji grinned

The three of them looked forward and immediately saw the new recruits who watched them with eyes shining and mouth agape

The Commander smiled faintly, "Yes. They'll be helping in our mission before they part ways"


"Where are they?" Mina groaned

Vien looked around and her eyes caught the crowd of villagers gathered near the path. It was where the noise was coming from

"Oh," Mina looked in the same direction "The Garrison? Why is everyone gathering to watch?"

The leader will be looking for them if they don't go back, Vien sighed

"Never mind the Garrison, you go the other side and I'll look for them in the crowd" The doctor parted ways with Mina, before pushing her way into the crowd of people

She couldn't see because most were tall, but she'd definitely recognize the uniforms if she looked straight

When she got lost in the crowd for a minute, she sighed in relief when she saw a familiar group of cadets cheering the Garrison. Vien didn't know what was going on here, but getting them back to their quarters before their leader would find out was all she focused on doing

"Eren!" Vien called out, but they couldn't hear from all the noise

That's it. She took a sharp intake of air before yelling over her lungs



The young group of soldiers were busy cheering for the Survey Corps, but a small group of people heard a yell and they all averted their gazes to the frustrated doctor

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