Chapter 39 - Eavesdropped

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"Well who knows what
the two did in there?"


"Come in!" Hanji's loud voice rang

The knob twisted open, and Vien entered her office. She placed a notebook and some pens on Hanji's desk, before sitting right across her

"Ah Vien my girl, you came early. Did I interrupt your lovey dovey time with Captain?" Hanji played with her pen, and showed a smirk

Vien took the papers in front of Hanji, and began reading them. Although her mind was focused on the words, she was still attentive to Hanji's never ending questions about her relationship with Levi

"Mr. Sunshine is busy attending to his papers, so am I" She mumbled

"That's a name he'll hate, and it's wonderful!" Hanji clapped "But the reason why I called you here is because my proposal lacks info"

"What proposal?" Vien asked, her eyes not straying from the papers

She responded "I wanted to learn more about Eren's titan abilities, I wonder if he can do the things Annie Leonhart's titan is capable of. Won't this be a huge of help?"

Few minutes passed but Vien didn't reply, she was still busy reading all the scribbles and phrases Hanji wrote down. The brunette just sat there, and waited for Vien to finish

When she finally understood what Hanji was getting at, Vien placed the papers down and responded

"Testing his ability to follow orders and converse in titan form. If this succeeds, it'll actually be of help"

Hanji replied in a whiny tone "The idea of using his hardening ability to reclaim Maria, imagine all the possibilities if he was able to do it"

The way Hanji spoke like she was getting pleasured by the thoughts of success, made Vien laugh at her. They both were each other's closest friends that had a lot in common. From researching to sciences, they shared so many hobbies. Vien was the loudest with Hanji around her

"You're a genius!" She playfully patted the papers on Hanji's head

"But," Vien muttered "If we're to do this- It'll take long before we can"

Hanji sighed, a frown formed on her face "I agree. This experiment needs to be conducted in a remote area where no one else could see"

"I suppose next year is possible?"

Vien knew what Hanji's reaction was going to be, so she covered her mouth to muffle in her laughs. The other lady gripped her hair in frustration, and complaints started flowing out of her like a waterfall


"I swear, I'm not lying. I really saw Captain Levi and Dr. Vien together at the stables this early morning!"

"The proof or it didn't happen" Jean smirked at Eren, which caused the boy to be more frustrated at them

Eren was about to take a blow at Jean, but Connie stepped in between them and cut their act

"C'mon Eren, we were just messing with you. We all know something's between those two, but Dr. Vien wants to play dumb all the time"

He pushed the two men back to their seats, and the tension faded

"I noticed it too" Sasha spoke in between her munches "Do you think Hanji-san knows anything?"

Connie boringly replied "Even if she did, she won't say anything"

Sasha placed her bread down and retorted at Connie "I was talking about what Eren saw this morning"

"You mean the stables?" Eren asked

"Yeah, I'm just curious that's all"

Jean raised a brow, "What's there to be curious about? We all know what's going on between the two"

The girl stood up, placing both of her arms on the table. All of them in the table jolted at her sudden movement, but they leaned towards Sasha as she gestured their little circle to scoot closer

"I was curious about- Well who knows what the two did there?"

The rest of the five got chills from what Sasha said. Jean choked out the water he was drinking, and the others scoffed at Sasha's indecent way of assuming what happened

"Oi," Jean wiped the water that spilled on him "How could you talk about those so openly in public?!"

Connie smacked the back of her head, chiding "Sasha if they heard what you said, you're dead meat"

Sasha gazed back and forth in a confused manner "What? Isn't it normal for some adults like them?"

"Even so!!" Connie chided loudly, that the group didn't notice that someone was eavesdropping to all their conversations just from afar

"I was wondering why the gloomy brat was alone today, turns out the rest of the club was busy talking about-" He paused for a moment

The cadets had chills running down their spine. It was a voice that they already recognized at first, so they turned hesitantly

"-matters that aren't to be pried on"

The lot of them realized that the topic took their attention, that they didn't notice the already empty hall, and the vacant seat of Mikasa between them. What they hoped for was the Captain not hearing on what they talked about, but it was pretty obvious that he already did

"Even if you five brats went to the grounds now, you would've missed it anyway. Clean this entire hall in an hour" Levi spoke in a stern way

The cold gust of wind that came when he spoke, left along with him. Like a bird freed from its cage, they all exhaled in relief after he left. But they were all exchanging looks of fear, except Eren who had an angry expression

"Mikasa, how dare she leave us without even telling" He exclaimed

Jean retorted angrily "Oi, don't you dare blame her you scum. It's our fault for being distracted anyways"

The two shared looks of fear with each other, Connie mumbled "Do you think the Captain heard us?"

"Captain Levi hearing all of us talk about them was already bad, the topic Sasha suggested at the worst moment possible made it worse"

"Let's just get cleaning now," Armin stood up, getting a broom from the side "If this place isn't cleaned, who knows what the Captain might do"

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