☁︎ Smitten - Red Panda! Naib "x" Reader

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This ones a quicky! (*'ω'*)

You stood in the kitchen cutting apples into slices. They weren't for you, but for three little critters who had arrived recently.

The host had brought them a couple days ago, three little animals who seemed to be representing a few of your peers. An owl for Eli, a squirrel for Tracy, and a red panda for Naib.

The fruit you were cutting, it was mainly for Naib... animal Naib. You had decided to call him Red to avoid confusion sometimes. He really liked apples, and he actually just split his own two halves of an apple with Tracy and Eli's counter parts. So you were now making some more for him.

"What are you doing?" You looked up and over to see who just entered the kitchen. "Oh, Emily. I'm making some apple slices for Naib." She paused and gave a rather funny look, and u also returned her confusion before it clicked. "Ah- red panda." You clarified and she smiled and let out a breath. "Ohh, I see. Well that's sweet, I'm sure he will appreciate it." She walked to the sink to wash her hands, probably from gardening with Emma.

You reminisced her words though. Yes, he surely would appreciate. Red eats so much, yet he's always hungry for more. You had thought you were over feeding him but it made sense after you seen how hyper he was. It was like a spunky child version of Naib. "Well, I think he was sitting by the fire, he was warming his little paws haha." Emily said as she barely touched her thumb and fore finger to indicate how small his paws were and you both melted at the thought.

He had the tiniest feet, and when he would run up to someone you would just hear a small pitter patter of his toe beans. Everyone loved the sound and after you and Emily regained your composure she left with a soft goodbye.

You placed the knife down and wiped your forehead, taking off your apron and gleefully lifting the plate of fruit. It was a blessing to see Red eat, most of the girls brought him little snacks throughout the day and practically cheered as he nibbled on the food. However you were concerned with his health at the same time, so you asked if anyone did feed him, that it would be something relatively healthy.

You actually didn't think anyone had stopped by to feed him besides a mandatory breakfast today that Emily had prepared for the three. So your apple slices were all good intention.

You walked to the lounge, and like Emily had said, Naib was sitting in front of the fire, paws out and tail swishing. Uwahh so cute. You smiled and walked in, making the small creature turn his head. "Hello!" You beamed and he smiled back, standing up. "Hi!" You crouched down onto your knees and he sat back down at your motion to sit. "I've made you some apple slices, seeing as you gave Eli and Tracy both halves of your apple earlier."

He beamed. "All for me!?" He looked up to you excitedly, and you nodded. He swiftly grabbed them with his paws and started to munch. "Where are the other two?" You asked, simply out of curiosity. He shrugged. "They went with their respective people I think."

Ah, the actual Eli and Tracy...

"And, Naib hasn't come to see you?" He shook his head and your heart shattered. Naib was no soft guy but you didn't understand how he could leave his adorable counter part alone like this. "Did you want to hang with him?" You asked, and he stopped eating for a moment before looking at you with inspecting eyes. And after taking you in he smiled. "No, I think you're much better. You made me apples too!"

Your heart squeezed tremendously you could've sworn you were having a heart attack. "I'm glad you like me then." You said softly, but before he could respond the doors to the lounge slammed open and you both jumped. You instantly looked over the couch. "O-oh! Naib..." He was scowling as per usual, but it was not apparent as why he was here which worried you.

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