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•We won't go - Emily x Reader x Naib

TW: Self Harm

You peered over the counter, at your irritated arm, thinking if this was another reason worth remembering, worth marking down. Mm, yeah sure. This way you'd be able to remember to apologize to her the next time you seen her. So you grabbed the easily obtainable razor blade that sat on your counter and gently readied it against your skin, and you nearly pressed down before a knock on your door nearly gave you a heart attack.

You dropped it, fumbling for a maximum five seconds to catch it before it fell down the drain. You couldn't even be upset at this point, so you sighed and stood up, walking drearily to the door. You grasped the knob tightly, and breathed out before opening the door swiftly. "Hello?" You said gleefully but there was no one. You looked up and down the hall, but nothing, not a trace. Besides the small tray beside your door that you took in.

You held it in your hands and walked to your bed, already knowing it was from Emily. Because no one else has access to the bandages that laid before you on the silver platter, oh and who else would knock on your door and run away after such an incident. You supposed she was not good at confronting people, at least for reasons like yours. But you could not blame her, what would you say to someone of your state? After clearly denying help, she believed leaving you medical supplies was already a boundary broken.

Completion: 90%

•Found - Naib x Reader pt. 2
He stared at the girl for what felt like hours, sipping on his drink ever so gently. Déjà vu, he thought, but it was even weirder how a sense of comfort waved over him. Her hair swaying was enough to put him in a trance, eyes locked on her, but now that he was focused on her his eyes had a chance to linger over her. Her. She looks familiar...

His eyes squinted unknowingly and if anyone looked his way they probably would've called the police the way he stared at the girl. Maybe he's run into her before? Let's see, shiny (h/c) hair, smooth (s/c) skin... he hadn't even seen her face yet so what was he trying to accomplish. But she turned all the sudden, and his eyes widened. He bit his straw and tensed up.

Memories that he believed didn't even belong to him rushed through his head. Same girl-! His head ached painfully with a sharp feeling as he finally dropped his beverage onto the ground to hold his head. He clenched his teeth, and the straw strained as it bent. (Y/n).

Completion: 40%

•Meet & Greet - Firefly Emily x Reader
You felt yourself hop in your seat for a millisecond, before shakily raising your head to the blonde woman. She smiled, and looked so warm and friendly... "I, I think you're too good to look in the eyes, compared to me." She stared at you for a minute, before she pushed her seat back and stood up. You froze, maybe it was just a fight or flight thing, but her actions could mean anything. "You know for being an 'obsessed' fan. You aren't like the others who claim to be so head over heals for me." You watched her walk over to you, her hips swaying and her overwhelming scent made you look away from her face, anything else but that. "You're pretty reserved, and your not trying to grab me over the table and pull me close."

Her white laced fingers came to your face and she lifted your chin to look at her standing above you. "So I think you're my favorite." Your heartbeat quickened and your eyes widened at her soft expression. Favorite? Your cheeks grew red as she held your face dear. "You call me pretty but keep your hands to yourself." You guessed she hasn't experienced... such little contact before. All she's ever gotten was rough pulls or personal bubble popping hugs for a picture.

"You like me right?"

Completion: 35%

•Queen - Man in Red Naib x Reader
"Did you see the look on his face when he realized his precious fiancé was stuffed with my cock without even knowing it?" 😐 He smiled smugly in his chair, holding back a chuckle in his throat. You on the other hand were shaking beyond belief. You were supposed to marry Edgar since you were both children, but instead this demonic being had taken you for himself, and even gloated about it.

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