Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

When I wake up to see it lightly snowing outside I get even more excited. Today is christmas and I can't wait for Peeta to open my present to see the surprise. I was up late last night after he fell asleep wrapping it. I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's the onesies side by side with the pregnancy test on top. On the lid of the box is the saying I saw at the baby clothes store. 'Blue or Pink. What do you think?'

I shake Peeta awake. "Peeta!!" I say. "Wake up! It's Christmas!" I say. I sound like a kid but I'm so excited, I really don't care.

"Katniss...." He groans rolling over. "It's so early."

"No it's not." I say. "It's 8:30."

"Ugghhh okay." He says sitting up.

We go downstairs and head over to the tree. He both put our presents under the tree last night. Part of mine early this morning.

We sit down cross legged in front of the tree.

Peeta hands me mine. I don't argue since it would be better for him to open mine last. "Here. Open it." He says smiling.

I unwrap the present and question what on earth it could be. It's in a box about the size of stew pot. Inside is a small animal bed with a pink water and food bowl and some toys.

"Peeta what's thi-" I start to say but he's not here anymore. Seconds later he returns carrying a small furry kitten.

He places it in my lap. "Here's the rest. I couldn't really wrap her." He says.

She's one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen. I throw my arms around Peeta. I give him kisses all over his face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say. "She's beautiful."

"You're welcome!" He says beaming.

"What should we name her?" I ask petting her soft fur.

"I don't really care. You can name her, she's your present." He says.

"What about Angel?" I ask, relating it to her pure white fur.

"That's perfect." He says.

"Okay now you!" I say getting super excited.

I give him the huge box full of the cooking materials. He opens it and is in complete awe.

"Katniss..." He says. "This is too much."

"Peeta please, it was nothing." I say.

"Thanks you so much, I love it." He says coming to hug me. I stop him.

"Wait. There's one more." I say reaching to the back of the tree to get the smaller box. "Here." I say placing it in his lap.

He opens it apprehensively. When he opens the box his expression changes from confused to shocked.

"Katniss..." He says. "Does this mean," he starts but I'm too exited so I finish for him.

"I'm pregnant!" I shout.

"No," he whispers. "No way. Are you serious?" He says in disbelief.

"Yeah I'm serious!" I say.

"How far along?" He asks.

"10 weeks tomorrow." I say.

"Oh my God. Katniss, this is amazing! Thank you! Thank you so much!" He says embracing me.

"Does anyone know?" he asks pulling

"No, I was planing on telling my mom and Haymitch tonight at dinner." I say.

"That sounds good." He says. There's a pause. "Wow. I can't believe you're pregnant." He says. "This is the best gift anyone could have ever gotten me."

"Peeta, I'm happy to be able to do this for you." I say.

"Well, is that it for the surprises?" He asks.

"Yes, it is. But we should probably clean up and prepare dinner before your mom and Haymitch arrive." He says.

"Yeah, that turkey is gonna take a long time." I say. "But I can't wait to eat it!" I say.

"Lord help me, the cravings are already starting!" Peeta says exasperated.

I laugh and playfully shove him. "Shut up and clean you big baby." I say.

"Yes ma'am." He says.


I've just gotten out of the shower when Peeta walks in.

"Wow perfect timing. I was just on way up to shower." He says.

"Is the roast in?" I ask.

"Yep. I just finished cleaning the kitchen." He said.

"Good, my mom and Haymitch should be over in about 30 minutes." I say.

He walks into the bathroom and closes the door. Seconds later I hear the shower turn on. Even though I'm only 10 weeks pregnant, I still pick out a looser fitting shirt, just so I don't raise suspicion before we share the news.

After I've gotten dressed and dried my hair, I head downstairs to set the table and prepare for dinner.

Peeta comes down after I've finished setting the table. He's wearing kaki pants with a blue shirt rolled up at the elbows. His hair is still damp, making its usual side swept sexy du looking even more seductive than usual.

"Hey." He says. "The table looks nice."

"Thanks." I say still staring at his dashing appearance.

He goes to check on the roast in the kitchen and I follow him. I'm leaning against the counter watching his arm muscles flex as he takes out the roast. When he lifts the lid steam comes pouring out, turning his face hot, turning me on.

After he puts the lid back on I wrap my arms around him. He turns over and stares into my eyes.

"You're acting weird. Are you okay?" He says.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say. I lean up and kiss him.

It starts gentle and he expects it to be a short kiss. So when he pulls away, I grab the back of his head and push his lips onto mine. I tangle my fingers through his hair and place my other hand on his cheek. We kiss for what feels like forever until I reluctantly break away for air.

We're both breathing heavily when Peeta starts to chuckle. "What was that for?" He asks.

"I don't now. I just really needed that." I say.

"It must be your hormones." Peeta says smirking.

"Or the fact that my husband has and incredibly sexy sense of style and almost made me melt when he came into the room." I say.

"That too." He says smirking.

I decided to break this chapter into 2. Originally Katniss's mom and Haymitch were supposed to come over now but with the opening of their gifts and the baby announcement, I thought it would be too long. Sorry for keeping you all waiting so long, but I want to have the second part to this chapter up before the week ends! Thank you all so much for the support!
Love you,
Mel ❤️❤️

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