Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

Warning! Sexually scenes ahead!

Peeta and I enter the house not breaking our kiss. He drops all of our beach items and walks to the bedroom. He lays me down lightly and kicks off his shoes. I run my hands through his hair and wrap my legs around his waist. I start to take off his bathing suit when he suddenly stops.

"Katniss wait, are you ready for this? You know if you get pregnant again?" Peeta asks.

I think about it for a moment. I couldn't bear another miscarriage but having a baby does sound nice. It's not like we're trying or anything so why does it matter.

"Yeah, I am." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes, now please just kiss me!" I say.

He smiles and leans back down. We take off each other's pants and he slowly enters me. We lock hands and I can't help but moan his name.

"Peeta..." I say in a raspy voice.

He begins thrusting and our grip on each other's hands tightens. He kisses my neck and I just loose control.

"Oh my god, Peeta." I pant.

I wrap my legs around him and begin grinding against him.

"Katniss," he says in a low moan.

I run my fingers through his hair and he starts suckling on my neck again.

"Peeta yes! Oh my god! Yes!" I scream.

He flips so I'm on top now. I continue to grind and I kiss him passionately. I can feel him moan into my mouth. We flip over again and I can feel my climax coming. I dig my nails into Peeta's back. He speeds up his thrusting and I climax within seconds.


He climaxes in minutes and moans my name in a deep, throaty growl.

"Katniss, oh my god, Katniss." He says.

He pulls out of me and flops beside me. I lean up and kiss him passionately. I break away and smile.

"I love you, so much Peeta." I say looking deep into his eyes.

"And I love you." He says kissing the top of my head, settling into bed. We don't even bother to put clothes on and fall asleep in a sticky, sweaty mess.


In the morning I wake up and me and Peeta are in the same position we fell asleep in last night. I quietly get up and go into the bathroom for a shower. When I'm done I come out to see Peeta sitting in bed staring at the ceiling. He notices me and smiles.

"Good morning beautiful." He says sleepily.

"Morning." I say coming over to kiss him. As I turn around to go get change he rips the towel off of me and I scream.

"Peeta!! Give me my towel back!" I say turning toward him.

"I need to shower and I need a towel to shower obviously." He says simply. He gets up and walks to the bathroom.

"Peeta there are about 10 more towels in there! Are you serious?" I say.

"We'll you don't need it anymore so thanks hon!" He says and enters the bathroom shutting the door.

I'm so angry with him I decide to upset him too. "We'll I was gonna suggest morning sex, but I guess your too busy showering." I say sympathetically.

I hear the door open. "Ya know I can shower after." I hear him say.

I bend over to open the bottom drear of my dresser and say "No I don't really feel like it anymore. Just shower."

I turn and see him staring at me like a kid in a candy store. I walk over to him and push him in the bathroom. "C'mon, hurry up and shower so we can get going with our day." I say and close the door.

I laugh to myself as I get my clothes on. Once I'm done Peeta gets out and only had the towel wrapped around his waist revealing his muscular chest.

"You looks marvelous without a shirt on." I say feeling his chest.

"Well so do you." He says chuckling at me.

I huff and turn around but as I do he pinches my butt and I yelp.

"That was for rejecting morning sex." He says smirking.

"You're an ass." I say walking out of the room to go get some food.

"I love you!" He calls.

"Whatever." I say back smiling.

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