Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

When we got home from the doctors, me and Peeta decided to tell Haymitch about the baby.

"I'm really nervous for what he's gonna say Peeta." I tell him.

"Oh, he'll be fine. Hopefully he'll be sober enough to understand what's going on." Peeta says laughing.

I start laughing too. We're already at Haymitch's door and we knock. He surprisingly answers.

"Hello, lovebirds." Haymitch says.

"Hi Haymitch." I say rolling my eyes.

We walk into his house and sit at the kitchen table.

"So what brings you across the road?" Haymitch says.

I look at Peeta as if to ask if now's the right time to tell him. He gives a slight nod and smiles.

"I'm pregnant." I say bluntly.

At first he looks shocked ad then hsays "Well I saw that coming sooner or later, I just thought it's be after the wedding."

"This wasn't really planned Haymitch." Peeta says.

"I kinda figured." He replied. "Congratulations." He says and takes a swig of the liquor in his flask.

We sit and talk to Haymitch for a few hours and then decide to go home.

Once me and Peeta get into our room I have the sudden urge to kiss Peeta and I do. Well more like attack him. Maybe these hormones could be a good thing. I just being pregnant just really makes me want Peeta. We slowly make it to the bed and Peeta sits down. I sit on his lap and straddle him. I slowly push him down on the bed without ever breaking the kiss. I roll over so my chest is in line with his chest and we kiss for about 5 more minutes. By the time we break apart we're both panting heavily.

"Woah. What was that for?" Peeta asks.

"I just really wanted to kiss you." I say truthfully.

"Okay, goodnight. I love you." Peeta says.

"I love you too." I say and give him one last kiss before closing my eyes and drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

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