Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

These three days have been so boring without Peeta. Yesterday I laid in my bed all day. He's coming home tomorrow and I couldn't be happier. When I woke up today I told myself I wouldn't sit around all day but I can't think of anything to do. The house is clean, the laundry's done. I'm not in the mood to hunt. I decide on a taking a walk, maybe to think of something. As I'm walking out, zipping my jacket, I see Haymitch sitting on his porch. I honestly have no idea why, it's freezing out here. Then I realize he's probably drunk.

I walk up to him and try to shake him awake. He won't budge. I take an empty glass bottle and throw hit it on the side of his chair. He shoots up in shock. I don't even try to suppress my laughter.

"You have a very unorthodox way of waking people." He says rubbing his eyes.

"Well I least I woke you instead o leaving you out here in the cold passed out drunk with no jacket." I say.

I help him inside, seeing that he's still wobbly. I lay him on the couch with a blanket and make him a cup of coffee.

"Here." I say handing him the cup.

"Peeta must be one lucky guy, you're a great caregiver." He says.

I almost laugh. "Yeah okay." I say sarcastically.

"I'm serious!" He says before taking a gulp.

"Whatever." I say.

"Ya know, I never pictured our lives like this." He says.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"I mean, after you and Peeta won the games, I'd always picture us three living in constant fear of Snow because of your little stunt." He says. "But glad I was wrong."

"Haymitch?" I ask.


"Do you still stay up all night? I mean because of the nightmares." I ask cautiously, trying not to overstep my boundaries.

"Yeah. Sometimes I do end up sleeping, just to be woken a couple hours later. It's a vicious cycle." He responds.

"I just feel bad. I mean I have Peeta to pull me out, but you, you have no one." I say.

"You don't think I know that?" He says smugly. "I've got to be honest they've definitely gotten better. They're not so much made up anymore. They're all memories. The things I will never be able to un-see." He says taking a swig of his coffee.

It's silent for a while.

"Did you think that Peeta and I would end up together?" I ask.

"I knew from the moment you shouted his name in that arena." He said.

"Really?" I say in disbelief.

"Of course, I knew how much pain you'd both go through if you'd both make it out. I figured it'd happen one way or another." He says nonchalantly.

"I guess everyone knew before me." I say more to myself.

"He's good for you Katniss. You're good for him. You need each other." He says.

"I know. I can't imagine my life without him." I say. "Thanks Haymitch."

"For what?" He asks.

"For always knowing what to say." I tell him truthfully.

"Anytime sweetheart." He smiles warmly at me.

I walk out the door and instead of going into town, like I planned, I decided to head back home and do something nice to repay Haymitch for all he has done.

I take out some of the rabbit I had in the fridge and start to cook it in a pan. I then grab some vegetables and cook those too. Once they're done I season them with a bunch of different spices we have in the cabinets. Once I'm done, I put them in a plate and add a few cheese buns Peeta left for me. I cover it with cling wrap and head across the street to bring it to Haymitch.

I think about knocking on the door but then just walk in because I know he won't answer it. I walk in and see him passed out on the couch. I set the plate next to him and grab a pen and scrap piece of paper and write a note that says I've left him dinner and he'll probably have to heat it up. I lay a blanket over him and head home.

As I'm laying in bed I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have such a wonderful person in my life like Haymitch. I'm happy to have met him and I wouldn't trade our meeting for the world.

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while and sorry this is so short. I just got over having laryngitis. It's been so horrible! Even though this was kind of boring, I really enjoyed exploring Katniss and Haymitch's relationship more! I hope it was okay! I love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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