Chapter 57

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Chapter 57:

At 6:00 every morning I hear Liam start babbling, then eventually crying in his bed.  I try to calm him before Peeta gets up because I hate when Peeta wakes up to help and then just makes it worse. I love my husband, more than anything, but not to be conceited, Liam just likes me more. He cries harder when he realizes Peeta's calming him, not me. I groggily walk next door to his room and lift him up. He's 10 months old now and getting heavier by the day. Peeta and I have tried again and again to get him walking and talking because at this age, Addy knew about 8 words and was walking and climbing everywhere.  Peeta was concerned so at his last check up, he asked the doctor if something was wrong but the doctor said he was fine, every baby is different. I bring him downstairs so I don't wake Addy and Peeta and I bring him out on the porch.  The early October weather has always been beautiful in 12 and I've recently discovered that mornings on the porch with my son are my favorite way to start the day.

I rock in the rocking chair for a while and Liam sits calmly on my lap observing. I face him toward me and point to myself and say "Mama". No response. Still pointing, with a big smile, "Mama." All I get is a blank stare. "Mama", I say trying one last time. "Mama". He says a little confused. I smile widely. "Yes, mama!" I say excitedly. "Mama." He says again. We go on playing this back and forth game forever and then Peeta walks out.

"Good morning." He says kissing my head and Liam's as well. He sits on the rocker next to me.

"Peeta watch this." I say proudly.

"Liam, honey look at me," I say trying to get his attention, "Mama." I point at myself.

"Mama." He says back and then giggles at my laugh.

"Mama." I say laughing.

"Mama." He says giggling back.

I look over at Peeta with a stunned look on my face. He's grinning widely at mine and Liam's enthusiasm.

He kisses Liam's head. "Dada." He says pointing at himself. Liam just looks at me and says "Mama." I start cracking up at this.

I didn't realize Addy came outside until I hear her talk. "What's so funny Mommy?" She walks over and sits on Peeta's lap snuggling into him.

"Nothing, Liam just said Mama but he won't say Dada." I reply.

"That's not that funny." She says unimpressed.

"It's funny to us." I say.

"Parents' jokes are never funny." She replies.

That sends Peeta and I into a fit of laughter.

After our laughing subsides, Addy asks, "Can we go into the meadow today? I have to make a leaf book for school and I want to get all the pretty ones." She says.

"Sure," Peeta answers, "Why don't we make a day of it and have a picnic there?"

"Yeah that's sounds fun," I say, "doesn't it honey?" I ask Addy.

"Yeah but can I help you pack our lunches?" She asks.

"Sure, why not?"


After making our way into the newly renovated meadow, Peeta lays out the blanket we brought to sit on. Over the years, the people of 12 have taken down the feces to the woods and meadow and added a playground for the kids and a few benches here and there for the parents. They left a lot of open space for those who like to enjoy the view and to preserve one of the only untouched parts of 12 that's still left.  Addy goes straight to picking her leaves and Peeta helps her. They put them in a small bag so she can bring them into school.  I try to help Liam walk, but have no such luck. I start to get hopeful when he stands for a few seconds but then leans forward and wobbles, falling on his face. He starts to cry and I comfort him but don't try to get him to walk again. Peeta comes and sits next to me, Liam laying between us, sucking on his fingers and babbling.  Addy is still picking leaves near a tree beside us.

"Let me take Liam and try to get him to walk." He says.

"I've already tried, he fell on his face and started crying, I don't want him to hate us if he keeps falling." I say.

"Trust me, I won't let him fall." He says.

He lifts Liam up, and surprisingly, Liam doesn't squirm in his arms. He walks a few feet in front of us and Peeta stands Liam up and hold only his hands. He starts to guide Liam, helping him walk. Liam giggles and smiles. He enjoys this assisted form of walking.  Addy comes over and stands across from Peeta and walks backward, making faces at Liam. He laughs even harder at this. 

It's in this moment that I can officially say I am at peace. It took me a while, but finally after almost 10 years, I am truly, deeply happy. My family makes me the happiest I've ever been. Although I had sworn off the thought of a family when I was young and clueless, I now know that I could never live without one. After overcoming the impossible and recovering from hell, I have never been more happy in my life, and I'd endure the pain, heartbreak and suffering all over again to have what I have today.

Well, that's it. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has stuck with me from the beginning, it's a little sad to leave this behind, but I have bigger and better things planned for the future. Although they aren't Everlark related, you guys will love them just as much. I want to say again how incredibly sorry I am for being so inconsistent all the time and I really appreciate all the support. I love waking up after posting a chapter and reading all the wonderful comments you have. I loved being able to share with all of you, how I perceive post-Mockingjay Everlark, and I'm glad you all loved it!! Again, thank you all so much for making this experience wonderful and worthwhile!

Xoxo, Mel ❤️❤️

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