Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

I'm waiting at the train station for Annie and her son to arrive. It's just four days before the wedding and Annie should be arriving any minute. Johanna called last night to say that she would be arriving sometime this afternoon. The train slows to a stop and the doors open. I stand there waiting anxiously for Annie and her son to step out. I scan the crowd looking, and I see a woman with fiery red hair carrying a child looking around.

"Annie!" I call waving at her.

She whips her head around in confusion and sees me and smiles. She carries her bag in one hand and holds baby Finn on her hip with the other.

"Katniss!" She says pulling me in for a hug.

"It's so good to see you Annie! And this must be little Finn?" I say in a baby voice.

"It is, would you like to hold him?" She asks.

"Sure." I say happily.

She hands him over to me and I see he has Finnick's eyes.

"He's so precious Annie. How old is he?" I ask.

"5 months." She says smiling.

"Well how about we head back to my house, it's kind of crowded here." I say.

"Yeah, okay." She replies.

"Sorry Peeta couldn't be here, he's at the bakery today. But this is his last day of work until the wedding." I say still playing with Finn in my arms.

"Oh, don't worry about it Katniss, I understand." She says.

Not too long after we arrive at Victor's Village and I lead her inside. She takes Finn and lays him down in a blanket with some toys in the middle of the living room.

"So you and Johanna will be staying in the house next door to our house. We only have one room left and we didn't want one of you to have to sleep on the couch or one person in the house alone, so we just decided it was best for both of you to stay in the house, I hope you don't mind." I say sitting down on the couch.

"Oh no, don't even worry about it. It's better than having to pay the pricy hotel down the street." She says smiling.

Me and Annie talk and catch up on things and at around 3:00 we heard a knock at the door.

I walked over to answer it, having a felling of who it was.

"Hey brainless." Johanna says.

"Hi Johanna, how've you been?" I ask pulling her into a slightly awkward hug.

"I'm fine. The question is how are you? I mean your getting married in what? Four days?" She says walking in.

"Um, I'm kind of nervous, but excited more than anything." I say honestly.

"Is that Annie Odair I see?" Johanna asks loud enough for Annie to hear.

"Hello Johanna." Annie says coming over to hug her.

"So this must be Finn?" She says tickling his stomach.

"It is." Annie says giggling at the noises Finn is making.

"You and Annie will be staying next door. Our house is a little crowded and we didn't want you to have to stay at the hotel." I say.

"Okay perfect." Says Johanna.

My mom walks in minutes later with groceries.

"Oh hello girls." My mom says.

"Hi Mrs. Everdeen, how are you?" Annie asks politely.

"I'm fine, how are you?" She asks.

"I'm alright." Annie says.

"Mom I don't think you've met Johanna." I say gesturing toward her.

"Hello." My mother says smiling and shaking hands with Johanna.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you!" Johanna says excitingly.

Johanna goes next door to put her things away and when she comes back she has a big smile on her face.

"So, Katniss," she begins, "Are you ready for your bachelorette party tonight?" She says slyly.

"My what?!" I ask shocked.

"Ya know your 'last fling before the ring'?" She says.

"I know what it is but I'm having one?!"

"Well of course! I've already invited everyone, we're leaving at 8." She says.

"Oh god Johanna, what have you gotten me into?" I ask.

I can not tell you guys how sorry I am! I haven't updated in forever and school just started last week and I've had so much homework, I kind of forgot about wattpad! I feel awful but I'm sorta getting used to all the homework and will hopefully update soon! Hope you guys enjoy this!

-Mel 😜

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