Chapter 53

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Chapter 53:

I sit rocking in the plush, cream rocking chair we've put in the baby's new nursery. Peeta and I had just finished a couple days ago and it came out great. It's a soft green with grass painted all along the end of the wall where the wall and floor meet. Peeta painted it to look like the meadow. It's so calming in here, I love just sitting and taking it all in. I'm 32 weeks pregnant, just 5 short weeks until I'm full term. These past 7 months of pregnancy have been much easier than Addy's and I'm enjoying it more. It's about 6 am and I couldn't sleep so I came in here to try and relax before my day started. Peeta walks in with wet hair, getting ready for work. He sits on the ottoman and looks at me.

"Hey beautiful." He says.

"Oh my god stop. I'm a fat, pregnant mess."

"No you're not, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life. You're one of the strongest people I know." He says placing his hand on my leg.

"You're just saying that." I reply.

"No I'm not, I mean it, with all my heart."

I just give him a tired smile. We've just finished getting everything ready for the baby and it was an exhausting couple of weeks. "I'm so ready to have this baby." I say.

"I know, I know you are." He gets up and places his hand on my protruding abdomen and gives me a small kiss. "I'm only working until noon, I'll see you then."

"Okay, I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He gives me one final peck on the forehead and then leaves. I listen to him noisily walk down the stairs and put on his shoes. He grabs his keys off the counter and shuts the door. It's the same every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. My noisy husband heading to work. He insists on working even though between the two of us, we receive enough of our winnings each month to sustain our family for years. He likes to be included in his bakery, not just pay the bills. He goes in a few days a week to help bake and see the regulars, it's very sweet. It's very Peeta.

I sit for about another hour and then get up to get ready for the day. Since Addy doesn't take naps any more, she wakes up earlier than I'm used to.  I head to my room to get ready. I put on some of my more comfortable clothes since I don't plan on leaving the house today and head downstairs to make breakfast. After being married to Peeta for 7 years, I'm learning to cook more and more everyday. Sometimes my mother even comes over to teach me old family recipes that have been passed down over the years, ones she hopes I'll pass down to my children.

This morning, I just make scrambled eggs and toast, easy enough. I hear the little pitter patter of Addy's feet upstairs. She insists on dressing herself now since she's 5 years old and "a big girl."  I don't usually say anything unless we're going out but, a striped shirt and polka dot skirt are good enough to just sit home all day.

The April weather in district 12 is always cool and breezy. The perfect time to keep the windows open. I just finished opening all the windows when Addy comes walking downstairs in a backwards shirt. "Good morning sunshine." I say smiling at her.

"Morning Mommy."

I smile at her backwards shirt. "Your shirts on backwards." I say

She looks down. "Oh."

I give her a chuckle and help her switch it around. She looks at my growing stomach. "Mommy?" She says.


"You're belly is huge. Does that mean the baby's coming soon?" She questions.

I laugh a little. "Yeah sweetie. Real soon, like a few weeks."

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