Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

When I wake up I'm staring at a sleeping Peeta. I brush the hair from his eyes and he starts to stir. His eyes flutter open, batting his long eyelashes.

"Good morning." He says sleepily.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I ask.

"No, you didn't." He says. "I'm gonna go home and shower, I'll be right back." He says planting a kiss on my forehead and getting out of bed.

"Okay, I'll make us breakfast." I say.

"Okay and Kaniss, try not to burn the house down." He says with a smirk.

"Go home and shower." I say pointing toward the door.

He walks out laughing and I follow him down the stairs. He walks out and goes home to shower. I start by making us oatmeal and cutting up various fruits. I set the table and out the fruits in the middle and then put the oatmeal in our places. As I'm pouring the juice, Peeta walks in.

"Hey, I see you successfully cooked us breakfast." He says laughing.

"Shut up Peeta." I say laughing.

We eat breakfast and talk about what's going on today.

"Well I don't really have much to do because the bakery was destroyed in the bombing, but they're rebuilding a new one in the same place." He says.

"Oh. Well we could go to the meadow today, it's not like I have anything to do today." I say trying to cheer him up.

"Okay, that sounds good." He says.

We clean up from breakfast and leave to go to the meadow. When we walk out of Victors Village, we see people staring at us, probably because the star crossed lovers of district 12 are back together. Well not together, together but together, walking with each other. It's kinda awkward the first five minutes of walking and finally Peeta breaks the silence, thank god.

"So have you been to the meadow yet, i mean since you got back." He says to me.

"Um, not really. I passed trough it to go hunting a few times but I haven't stopped and stayed yet." I say.

"Oh well it's the perfect time to go and everything, with this nice weather." He says.

"Yeah, it'll be really pretty here." I say.

We're approaching the area where the fence used to be, they tore it down so people could hunt freely or go for walks but I'm still the only one that goes in there because people are still skeptical. I guess I would be too if I was taught all my life that the woods were a dangerous place to be and there were horrible creature in there. We walk toward the meadow and all the flowers have just bloomed and it looks so pretty. We sit down and talk for a long while. Some how we end up laying down, my head on Peeta's chest and his arm around my shoulders.

"Katniss?" he says.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Um, well I know it's kind of sudden but I think we've been through so much and we need each other now, more than ever. So do you want to be my girlfriend...again." He says.

I sit up as he does too. "Peeta," I say "I would love nothing more." I say wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him full on the lips. It kind of cane out if nowhere but no one's complaining.

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