Chapter 44

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Chapter 44:

I'm already about to end my second trimester. I'm close to 7 months and, I just can't wait for our little girl to get here. I've been going to my regularly scheduled ultrasounds and I'm seriously getting sick of them. The same thing happens every time, gel, picture, fake smiles, and then we're on our way. But of course, this is how I'm feeling today, tomorrow I could be going on about how excited I am for my next one. It all depends on how my hormones are that day, because they just decided they're in charge now.

Peeta and I called Effie a few days ago and told her to send a statement into Caesar about the pregnancy, that was of course after we told her
how we've been and pointless small talk that doesn't really matter. She called us back and said that Caesar would be announcing it on his Saturday evening show, so me and Peeta were sitting on the couch waiting to see the reactions.

The show began and Caesar, plastered white smile and all, appeared joyfully on screen.

"Hello folks, today we have some very important news."

A lot of oos and ahs came from the crowd.

"Yes, well we're going to be interviewing the newest, and might I add extremely fabulous, clothing designer out there, my good friend, Effie Trinket. And we can't forget about that new photographer that's coming in to show us his work with the fish. I personally can't even wait for that, but what you all probably want to know is the news about one of our favorite couples, Katniss and Peeta Mellark."

Peeta lays his hand on my thigh, "You ready?"

"Yeah I guess, I just want him to get it over with." I reply, placing my hand on top of his.

"Well the lovely couple has sent in a statement.
'To all those wondering about Katniss and I, we are doing just fine. There has been some speculation and rumors going around about Katniss being pregnant. Well we wanted to personally let you all know that yes, she is pregnant. We kindly ask that you respect our privacy, and let us be. Thank you so much, best regards, Peeta Mellark'." Caesar reads. "Wow folks, there you have it. If my dear friends Peeta and Katniss are watching, I congratulate you and wish you all the best!" He says a little too enthusiastically.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Stay tuned for the fish photographer, and we'll be right back after this." He says.

"Well that wasn't as bad as I imagined." Peeta said.

"Yeah it was okay." I say.

"What's wrong?" He asks rubbing my leg.

"Nothing." I say. Honestly I don't really know what's wrong I just feel sad. I start to get scared about how big birth and being a mom.

"Katniss, you can tell me." He says taking my hand.

"Peeta I'm really scared." I say and then I start crying. I can't really help it, the tears just come.

He takes me into his arms and strokes my arm. "Katniss, shhh. Why are you scared?"

"I'm afraid to have this baby. I'm afraid of being a mom." I say. "Aren't you afraid sometimes?"

"Yeah sometimes, but the I just think about how rewarding it's gonna be when she takes her first steps, or when she learns how to ride a bike, or when she learns to read or write. I feel like we're both kind of scared but we'll be perfectly fine when she gets here." He says kissing my forehead. "Plus, we have your mom to help and Haymitch, although, I don't think he'll be that much help."

I giggle a little. "I'm sorry my hormones are crazy and you must be getting so tired of me." I say.

"Katniss, stop apologizing. I get it you're pregnant. And trust me I could never get tired of you." He says.

"Okay, but I'm just getting anxious. I'm meant her to just come already." I say. "I'm tired of waiting!"

"I know, I know. Me too." He said rubbing my back.

I start to walk upstairs. "Where are you going?" Peeta asks.

"Just to rest." I say. "I'm kinda tired." I say.

"Okay well I might stop over Haymitch's house, will you be okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'll be fine." I say.

I head upstairs and I stand in the hallway and wait for the door to shut. I call for Peeta and he didn't answer so I know he's not here. I just wanted to be by myself for a little while. I go into the baby's room. I just sit in the rocking chair and rock, thinking about what's to come. I can't believe that me and Peeta are about to have a daughter. We've narrowed the names down to two. Lillian or Adeline. I live them both and so does Peeta. We decided to wait until she's born to see which would fit her. We definitely know her middle name will be Rose. We love the way that both names sound with it. Adeline Rose or Lillian Rose. I start to drift off and make my way to the bedroom to take a nap. I dream of my little girl growing up in a world where she knows no fear.

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