Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Peeta can officially be off bed rest in one day. I'm kind of excited because it's kind of boring just sitting around all day. The last few days Peeta has been walking around so by the time he's actually allowed to be moving around, he'll be as good as new. I just finished doing mine and Peeta's laundry when he wakes up.

"Morning." He says yawning.

"Morning." I say giggling. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better actually. I feel like my old self." He says.

"Well good, because I missed doing fun things with you." I say to him.

"Me too." He says. "Hey Katniss?"

"Yeah?" I say.

"Well since we're not really doing anything, do you want to plan the wedding? I mean not extensively, just like an outline." He says.

"Sure." I say and leave to grab a notepad and paper. When I come back Peeta is already sitting up. I sit down in the bed and say

"So, let's start with the guests. Who were you thinking?" I ask.

"Well, Haymitch, Effie, Annie and her son, Johanna, your mother, Plutarch...anyone else?" He asks.

"The only other people I can think of are Sae and her granddaughter, and my prep team." I say.

"What about," Peeta says hesitantly, "Um Gale."

"Oh." Is all I say. I'm not really sure if I want Gale at such a special day for me.  Still not ready to face him. "Peeta, I don't really want Gale at the wedding."

"It's okay. If you don't want him there, you don't have to invite him." He says.

"I'm not even going to tell him." I say.

"About the wedding?" Peeta asks.

"No not just the wedding, us. I know Gale has always loved me and I don't  want to cause any problems by saying 'Hey Gale me and Peeta are in love and getting married, but your not invited to the wedding.'" I say.

"Okay, I understand." Peeta says.

"Now for the place." I say. "Where should it be?"

"Hmm. Maybe the meadow and then our house." Peeta says.

"Yeah that sounds good. Have the ceremony at the meadow and then the reception at our house." I say.

"Okay and we can have Effie help with the decorations." He says.

"It's perfect, I can't wait!" I say.

"Me either." Peeta says and gives a little boy smile.

This makes me smile and blush.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing, you're just so adorable." He says.

"Oh my god, I am not." I say laughing.

"Katniss," he says taking my hands. "Yes you are, you're the most beautiful girl on the planet. I love you." He says.

"I love you too Peeta." I say and give him a soft kiss on the cheek.

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