Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

I wake up and find that Peeta isn't in bed. I figured he was probably downstairs making breakfast or watching TV. I get up I go to open the bathroom door,but find it locked.

"Peeta? Are you almost done?" I call through the door.

"Um yeah, I'll be out in a second." He says. I then hear him retch into the toilet.

"Oh my god Peeta! Let me in!" I yell.

"I'm fine, really. I'll be okay." He says.

He's obviously lying so I run and get the key from my top dresser and go unlock the door.

I walk in and see him sitting on the floor next to the toilet and say "Peeta! What's the matter?"

"Nothing! It's probably just a bug." He says. He then leans over and throws up once again.

"Peeta this isn't just a bug. How long have you been in here?" I ask.

"Um a few hours." He says shamefully.

"A few hours Peeta! This isn't right." I yell. "Does anything else hurt?"

"To be honest," he starts "I feel this really bad sharp pain in my side, like someone just stabbed me. And it burns!" He says holding his side. He then leans over into the toilet and retches yet again.

"Peeta, I think you're appendix may have burst." I say. "We need to get you to the hospital."

And with that, I help him up and hand him a bucket to bring in the car in case he needs to vomit again. I help him into the car and grab me and him a spare change of clothes and leave for the hospital. I call Haymitch on my cell phone and tell him what's going on. He said that he's on his way right now. We get into the parking lot and I help Peeta out. With his arm around my shoulder and the bucket in his hand we walk in.

"Hello my name is Katniss Everdeen, and I think my fiancée Peeta Mellark's appendix burst." I saw calmly.

"Okay, I'll send doctors right now." And with that she make a call and not even two minutes later, Peeta is being rushed down the hall in a stretcher. When I follow, a nurse holds me back and says

"Sorry, you're not allowed in surgery." And walks out, leaving me in the waiting room, anxiously waiting to find out my fiancée's fate.

Dun, dun, dun. What do you think will happen to Peeta? Sorry it's kinda short. Hope you liked it! Please comment and vote! ✌️💕

-Mel ;)

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