Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

After dinner is done I set the table and invite Peeta to come and sit down. I bring the food to the table and place it in the center. I'm not much of a cook so my best dish is soup. Tonight it's squirrel stew with roasted katniss roots. I picked up some bread from the newly built supermarket. Of course it will never be as good as Peeta's, but it will have to do.

"Sorry about the bread." I say laughing. "I know it's probably nothing compared to fresh baked bakery bread."

"Don't worry about it Katniss, this is perfect, thank you." He says smiling.

It's kind of awkward at first but then Peeta starts a conversation.

"So be honest, how have you been?" He asks.

I almost lie and say I'm fine, because I don't want to think about it. But then I think I have kept these feelings all bottled up inside of me for months now. I decide I should just tell Peeta, it's not like he's going to judge me.

"Honestly," I begin, "it's been hard. Really hard. I haven't been 'ok' since you were hijacked. When they took you I felt so bad for you and I couldn't even do anything to help you. I feel like it was my fault. And then everything that happened with...with...ya know," he nods understanding that I mean Prim. "And I just can't do this anymore Peeta, I can't." My voice is shaking at the end. I can't stop the tears from coming. I didn't want to cry in front of Peeta, I've already done it once today. I burry my head in my arms that are rested on the table. I hear Peeta's chair move back and I think he's leaving when I feel him trying to pry my arms from my face.

"Hey," he says "c'mon Katniss. It's okay. I'm hear for you. I'm sorry I even brought it up." He starts to rub my back, lovingly.

I look up at him and wrap my arms around his neck so tightly, I'm surprised he can even breath. "Thank you Peeta. You always know what to say and how to help. I'll never deserve you, ever." I say.

"Katniss, I'll always be here for you, you know that right?" He asks.

"Of course." I reply.

"Good, well are you feeling better now? I'm going to Haymitch's. He wants me to check in every night before I go to bed, do you want to come?" He asks.

"No I'm good, I'll just stay here." I say.

"Okay, let me help you clean up." He says starting to take plates off the table.

"No Peeta, you're my guest, besides, it's late. Just go home, I'll be fine." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks, still unsure.

"Yes, Peeta." I say chuckling.

"Okay well goodnight." He says hugging me. I hug back, but before we separate he sneaks in a quick peck on my cheek. "See you tomorrow." He says walking out the door, leaving me there shocked, yet pleased. I think I'm starting to fall back in love with Peeta Mellark, and I could be happier.

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