Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

Today is the last day of the honeymoon. We were here for four days and we're leaving after breakfast this morning. I just sat down with my omelet when Peeta came in the kitchen, freshly showered.

"Is everything packed?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says coming over to place a kiss on the top of my head. "We just need our shoes by the door."

"Okay." I say. I take a forkful of the omelet. "You want some?" I ask.

"Yeah it looks so good!" He says.

I feed him the bite. "Do you want the rest?"

"No, I'm good. C'mon we better leave before we miss the train." He says. He goes in the room and calls the cab. He walks out with our bags in hand.

I get my shoes on and take my bags and he does the same. "I'm gonna miss this place." I say with a tone of sadness in my voice.

"Yeah, me too. Maybe we can come back." Peeta offers.

"Yeah, maybe." I say.

We get in the cab and drive over to the train station. We get in and begin our 6 hour journey home.


I wake up snuggling into Peeta's chest. I realize we're in the train and lean over to look at the clock. It's almost 5 and we should be arriving then. We're way beyond the border of District 12. I turn over and look at Peeta, staring at his soft, yet masculine features, reluctant to wake him.

I smooth the hair away from his eyes. "Peeta, we'll be home soon," I say stroking his cheek, "Wake up." I say whispering softly into his ear.

His eyes flutter open and I continue to caress his cheek. "What time is it?" He asks, sleep still in his voice.

"Almost 5, we should be home any minute." I reply walking over to the door to put my shoes on.

"Okay, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." He says.

I clean up our mess and Peeta comes out of the bathroom right before the conductor makes an announcement.

"Attention all passengers, we'll be stopping in about 3 minutes at the District 12 platform. All who are leaving please make your way toward an exit, thank you." He says monotonously.

"Let's go." Peeta says smiling and grabbing my hand with his free hand, while grabbing the bags with the other.

By the time we get to the door it's already time to leave so we walk right off and onto the platform. Not many people got off, so not many people are in the station. We head home, hand in hand both smiling.

When we get into the village, we see my mother and Haymitch having tea on Haymitch's porch. Peeta puts the bags in our porch and we walk over to see them. My mom springs out of her seat to comes and hugs us.

"Katniss! Peeta! How was the trip?" She says hugging us at the same time.

"Oh it was wonderful, Mrs. Everdeen, thank you!" Peeta says.

"Yeah mom, really it was too much, but we enjoyed it." I say happily.

"How are you Haymitch?" Peeta asks.

"Same old, same old." He says taking a sip of tea, I'm assuming has some type of alcohol in it.

"Well me and Peeta are going home to unpack. We'll see you guys later." I say.

We walk home and head upstairs to unpack. As soon as I open my suitcase I hear the front door open.

"It's probably my mom or Haymitch." I say to Peeta going downstairs to see.

My mom just walked in and seemed rather shocked to see me.

"Oh Katniss, hi." She says.

"Hey." I say. "I thought you were talking to Haymitch?" I question.

"Yeah I was but I actually had to come and talk to you about something."

"Oh okay." I say kind of concerned.

"Well it's just I've been here for a couple weeks and I should probably head back home now, go back to work and stuff." She says.

"Oh." Is all I can manage. I've gotten so used to my mom being here all the time. It's going to be hard when she's gone.

"I know, if feels like I've only been here a couple days, but I really should return." She says.

"Okay." I say. "I'm gonna go finish unpacking." I say leaving quickly.

I run up the stairs and straight to mine and Peeta's room and break down on the bed. I forgot Peeta was in here and immediately sit up and wipe my face from my still running tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I say to Peeta who's looking at my like I'm a psycho.

"Don't be sorry, what's wrong?" He asks sitting next to me on the bed.

"My mom is going home tomorrow." I say, crying even more.

"Aww, Katniss, it's okay." He says pulling my into him.

"It's just, now that she finally wants to be in my life, she's leaving again. I want to make up for all those lost years." I say crying even harder.

"Hey, I have an idea." Peeta says.

I get out of his arms and look at him. "What?" I ask.

"Why don't we buy your mom a house here, in the village?" He says excitedly.

"Peeta! That's a great idea!" I say hugging him and giving him a short kiss.

"We'll tell her at dinner tonight." Peeta says.

"Okay." I say grinning.

I couldn't be happier. This is perfect! My mom will finally become part of my life again.

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