Chapter 42

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Chapter 42:

I wipe my mouth off with a towel and take a swig of the water next to me. I brush my teeth and head back to bed. I've been having morning sickness nonstop for about 2 weeks. Every morning around 5 or 6 I run to the bathroom, Peeta usually following behind, but I'm glad when he doesn't. I hate that he wakes up because of me and I hate that he has to see me so vulnerable.

When I get back in bed I snuggle close to Peeta.

He stirs and now I know I've woke him.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" He says pulling me closer, sleep in his voice.

"I don't need you to help me every time." I say rubbing his arm.

"Yeah but I hate seeing you like that, I feel bad and I want to help." He says.

"Well you can't really fix this one Peeta." I say.

"I know, I just want to make you comfortable." He says.

"Thank you." I say admiring his face.

"Well it looks like I won't be back to bed." He says getting up.

I pull him back down to me. "Where are you going?"

"I as going to make you breakfast, but I could just stay here for a little while." He says smirking.

I practically shove him off the bed. "Well go then, breakfast isn't gonna cook itself." I say smiling.

"Yeah yeah okay, I'm going." He says.

Today we have my 3 month check up. I'm kind of nervous because this is how far along I was when I lost the first baby. I know it's not really likely, but I just can't get the thought out of my mind.

When I'm done getting ready for the appointment, I walk down the stairs and can already smell the bacon. At first the aroma makes me smile because it smells so good, but as I enter the kitchen, it becomes so perfuse, I barely make it to the garbage before I start vomiting.

Peeta comes over and rubs the small of my back. He brings me a glass of water and hands it to me.

"I'm sorry Peeta" I say feeling ashamed.

"Don't be sorry, you never have to apologize to me. Ever." He says.

"But it's just you just put so much time into this breakfast and now, I can't even eat half of it." I say with tears streaming down my face.

I have been on an emotional roller coaster all week. Crying, rude, laughing, all for no reason. Peeta knows by now and constantly makes fun of me for it.

He starts laughing. "I'm sorry but one minute you're crying an the next you're pissed off. It's kind of hilarious!"

Soon, I start laughing as well and we're both cracking up.

"Come on, let's get read to go." He says.

He cleans up from breakfast and while he's changing I put on my shoes and jacket. It's only March but lately it's been really warm out. Trust me I'm not complaining, it's just odd for March in District 12. Me and Peeta head out to the car. We would've walked but it's so muddy out because of all the melted snow. My stomach is growing, but can still be concealed pretty well. I don't want anyone finding out, just in case something happens like the last time. Peeta drops me off our front because he doesn't want to make me walk from the parking lot. He's so sweet to me.

When I go in I check in with the receptionist and sit and wait for Peeta. While I'm waiting I see another women bouncing a baby who is about 6 months old on her lap. That baby is making incoherent gurgling noises and he looks like he couldn't be happier. I smile and the baby and he giggles at me. The women looks at me and gives me a weird glance.

"You have a beautiful baby." I say politely.

"Thank you." She says. "Are you expecting?"

"Yes, my first." I say. It's almost like she can sense my nervousness.

"Don't worry, it's not as scary as you think." She says. Just then the nurse calls.

"Lydia?" She says.

The women stands up.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome. It was nice meeting you...?" She says.

I shake her hand. "Katniss." I answer.

"Katniss. I'm Lydia." She says. "Have a good day. Good luck."

"Thanks, you too!" I say.

Just then Peeta walks in the room. He saw me talking to Lydia.

"Who was that?" He says sitting beside me.

"Just this women I met. Her name's Lydia." I say.

"Oh, okay." He says.

We sit for a few minutes. I start bouncing my leg unaware that I'm doing it.

"Hey, you don't need to be nervous." Peeta says.

"I know but I'm just scared. I hope everything goes well." I say.

"Everything will be just fine." He says.

"I hope so." I say.

After about 10 more minutes we're called. "Katniss?"

I stand up and so does Peeta. We follow the women in the back and she leads us to a room.

"Dr. Mathews will be with you in moment." She says.

"Okay." I say smiling.

Dr. Mathews comes in a few minutes later with a clipboard.

"Hello Katniss, how are you?" He says.

"I'm great, thanks." I say.

He shakes Peeta's hand. "And you Peeta?"

"Im good." He says.

"So shall we begin?" He says.

"Sure." I say.

He asks me loads of questions about how I feel, if anything seems abnormal, and if I've been spotting like the last time. I answer them all and we start the ultrasound. I look on the screen to see that the little peanut I saw the last time is now the size of an egg.

"Well there's the baby." He says staring at the screen. "Would you like to know the gender?" He asks.

Me and Peeta look at each other.

"Um, I think so." I say. Peeta nods in agreement.

"Alright well it's a girl! Congratulations!" He says. "I'll go print these off." He says leaving.

Peeta hugs me close and kisses my forehead. "Oh Katniss, a girl! I can't believe it." He says.

"I know I'm so excited!" I say.

"Now we can have a mini you running around!" He says laughing.

Dr. Mathews returns and hands us the line of photos.

"Alright. I want to see you again at 5, 6, and 7 months. Then every two weeks until you're due, which is August 4th, or if you have anything you're concerned about." He says.

"Thanks you so much." Peeta says shaking his hand.

"You're welcome. See you in 2 months." He says leaving.

On the drive home I think of all the things me and Peeta will be able to do with our daughter. Our lives are going to change, but honestly, we could use a little change.

Hey everyone! I know I say this every time but, I'm sorry for taking so long! I'm trying really hard to keep up, but there just aren't enough hours in the day. I also want to say a huge, huge, huge thank you to Fire_Is_Catching because every single comment of theirs has been so nice and encouraging, and reading them brings a smile to my face!! Anyway, now that you guys know it's a girl, let me know girls names from the last chapter (ch. 41) or suggest your own! I'll try my best to update soon, love you all xoxo,
Mel ❤️💗

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