Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

I sit at the counter watching peeta make dinner for tonight. It's going to be extra special because we're telling my mom that we're buying her a house. I'm sure she'll be apprehensive at first, saying it's too much and she wouldn't want to be a burden, but in the end, she'll be overjoyed.

"Will help me set the table?" Peeta asks sweetly.

"Of course." I say smiling back at him.

We invited Haymitch over as well so I set the four spots. Peeta made chicken and rice with bread of course. He brings it to the table and we call Haymitch and my mom over.

Once everyone is seated and has begun eating, Peeta brings up the topic of buying my mother a house.

"So Mrs. Everdeen, Katniss and I were talking the other night about how much we love you being here and spending time with us and we realized how much we're going to miss you when you leave," I look at my mom and she has a sad smile playing on her lips, "so we had the idea that we could buy you a house here in the village." He finishes.

It's silent for a moment. Haymitch probably wasn't even listening, as he is just eating his food like a wild animal. Finally my mom speaks up.

"Oh my, you want to buy me a house?" She says still in shock.

"It would be our pleasure." Peeta says with that sweet charm in his voice.

"I couldn't possibly let you do that. These houses must cost thousands of dollars!" She says.

"Mom please, the Capital is continuing to pay us our winnings." I say.

"But since there's two of us, that's double. We don't need all this money." Peeta says.

"Thank you guys, I'm so lucky to have you two in my lives." She says tearing up.

She comes over to hug us and plants kisses on both of our cheeks. "Thank you." She whispers with silent tears falling down her face.

"Hey what a about me?" Haymitch asks.

We all turn around and laugh at him.

"We're luck to have you too Haymitch." I say sarcastically.

"That's what I thought." He says and continues eating.


Later that night after everybody left, me and Peeta were laying down in bed just holding each other. He brings his lips down slowly and kisses me. He starts to pull away but I bring him closer and deepen the kiss. Just as things started to get heated, I think that this could lead to children, something I realize I'm not ready for just yet. I break the kiss reluctantly.

"What's wrong?" Peeta questions hovering over me.

"Nothing. It's just I didn't want it to turn into something we'll regret." I say. As I say it I immediately want to take it back because that's not how I meant it.

"Katniss we're married now, we don't have to regret anything." He says.

"It's not the marriage thing. I just don't really think I'm ready right now. For you know, kids." I reply.

"Katniss I know you're scared, I would be too, but we have to move on." He says.

I don't know why but the way he said that statement so simply really made my skin boil.

"I love how you say it so easily. 'We just have to move on Katniss'." I says mocking his tone.

"Katniss that's not what I meant." He says.

"What did you mean then?" I say angrily.

"I'm just saying we should try to start over so things can be positive now." He replies.

"Peeta, I know you want kids and I do too, just not right now." I say.

"Katniss there's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be with you every step of the way." He says reassuringly.

"Peeta, it's just not going to happen anytime soon, can we just leave it at that?" I ask.

"No Katniss, we can't because I don't want to wait until I'm 40 to have kids." He says.

"What do you want from me?!" I yell. "I told you I want kids! I just don't think we should rush into anything!"

"We're not rushing!" Peeta says.

"Do you even hear what you're saying? We're not even 20! I just turned 18 and you want children? We're practically children ourselves! I say even louder.

"Katniss I just don't want to see you hurt anymore and if you can't at least try to make yourself feel better, than I cant help you." He says.

"Why do you always bring it back to the fact that I'm depressed. I was absolutely fine until you started this conversation." I say.

"I'm not! I just hate seeing you so upset sometimes." He says.

"I'm not upset!" I yell.

"If you don't want children thats fine. We can wait." He says with finality. "I'm going downstairs. I'll be up later." He says getting up from the bed.

"Goodnight." I say harshly.

The worst feeling in the world is going to bed angry. Tonight all I am is angry, and without Peeta next to me I can already predict how this night is going to play out, and it isn't going to be good.

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