Chapter 45

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Chapter 45:
I just wanted to let everyone know that this is going to be a pretty long chapter, I hope you like it! Tell me what you think 😘

I wake up with this shooting pain in my lower stomach. It feels like I just wet the bed. I start to panic. I know what this means. I'm in labor. I wake Peeta up in a hurry.

"Peeta!! Wake up I think my water just broke!" I say shaking him.

He looks at me I'm disbelief. "Okay let me get the bag ready and don't move." He throws some of my clothes in a duffle bag along with all the baby essentials we will need. He grabs some blankets and pillows for himself and then he helps me up.

He grabs my hand and slowly helps me up. "Wait Peeta, you're gonna hate me for this but can you please put the sheets in the wash before we leave. I don't want to leave them all gross." I say.

He contemplates this for a moment. "Fine. I'll be right back don't move!" He says. He grabs the sheets and pulls them off taking the comforter with him. I can hear him messing around with the washing machine and finally hear it start. He comes running up the stairs, grabs the bag, puts the pillows and blankets in another bag, puts that on his shoulder, and grabs my hand again.

We slowly walk down the stairs. Once we get to the bottom, he grabs the keys off the table in the hallway and locks the door behind us. We go to the car and he throws the bags in the back seat. Once I'm in and buckled, he gets in and starts to drive. "When we get there can you call my mom and Haymitch?" I ask.

"Of course." He says grabbing my hand.

A few seconds later I feel a contraction. I hold his hand tighter and grit my teeth.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm just having a contraction." I say through gritted teeth.

"It's okay we're almost there." He says kissing the top of my hand.

We get there a few minutes later and go straight the the maternity ward. I change into the hospital gown and get situated with all the cords and wires. While this happens Peeta calls my mom and Haymitch. They come about a half hour later.

"Hey how are you feeling?" My mom asks when she comes in. She hugs me and sits down.

"In fine. I've already 2 contractions but they were about 20 minutes apart. So I'm still pretty far." I say.

She combs some fly away hair our of my face. "I can't believe I'm about to be a grandmother. And my baby's about to have a baby of her own."

"Me either." I say smiling.

We sit and talk for a while. Peeta goes back to bed on the cot next to my bed, since it's 11:30 at night. I realized I hadn't even been asleep an hour and my water had broken.

After about a half hour of talking the doctor came in. "Hello, Katniss." Dr. Matthews said.

"Hello." I replied.

My mom leaves, kissing the top of my head and says she'll return later.

"I'm going to check to see how dilated you are, you'll feel some pressure, so just take a deep breath and it'll be over in a few seconds." He says.

I do just that. It's such an uncomfortable feeling that I never want to feel again.

"Well you're about 6 centimeters, that's pretty far for only being here a couple of hours, you must have been at least 3 at your house. We can have you start pushing in a couple of hours. I'll be back in an hour just to check on you." He says taking off his gloves and washing his hands.

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