Chapter 38

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Chapter 38:

After we got home Peeta dropped his bags and kissed me. It was full of longing and desire. Something I haven't felt in three days.

"I've been waiting to do that's since the moment I left." He said, his arms still wrapped around me.

"Me too." I say breathless.

We slowly break away and I lead him into the kitchen so we can talk about his trip.

"So how was it?" I ask.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought. I pretty much stayed in the hospital the whole time so I didn't have to see much of the Capitol, but the parts I did see were awful." He looks nervous. I grab his hand and urge him to go on. "There were still destroyed buildings and burnt grass. And there were so many homeless people. Men, women, children. It was horrible to see." He says. I can see this is bothering him.

"Hey, it's okay. They'll get better in time. Just look at District 12. We've come so far, they'll get there." I say trying to assure him everything will be okay.

"Yeah. I hope so. But anyway, Dr. Aurelius told me to let you know everything that'll be happening from now on." The way he says this sends a chill down my spine. Like there are more bad things to come.

"He confirmed that I won't have anymore violent episodes. I won't hurt you or anyone, which is good, but instead it's going to be more of an internal battle. He tested one while I was there. I get really nervous and fidgety. I start the sweat and I'll be out of it. After that I enter this place that I can't control. I just shut down and sit there shaking. When I can't take it anymore, I'll hurt myself to stop. I stab myself, bite myself, even punch and hit myself to get it to stop." He finishes looking at our interlocked hands.

My eyes are watering. And when I look up into his big blue eyes, full of fear and pain I let out a few tears.

"Oh Peeta." I whisper. He wipes my tears away. "That sounds awful."

"It is, but I don't want you to feel bad for me. Please Katniss, promise me you won't feel bad. If you see me just try to snap me out of it okay." He says caressing my cheek.

"I will you won't have to worry about that." I say.

"So what have you been doing while I was gone?" He asks.

"Nothing exciting." I lie. I can't let it slip that I'm pregnant again. "The first day I stayed home. The second day I went to Haymitch's and made him dinner, and today I went grocery shopping and went over my moms for a little while." I say as a last resort to replace my expedition into town.

"Sounds relaxing." He says with a chuckle.

"Oh it was." I say sarcastically.

"I'm gonna go unpack." He says. "When I'm done I want to take you somewhere." He says.

"What? No Peeta please. You don't have to take me anywhere." I say.

"To bad, we're going." He says.

"Oh my god." I say rolling my eyes as he walks up the stairs.

I go into the living room and straighten a few things up. I do the same in the kitchen and Peeta comes downstairs with his coat.

"Come on, get your coat on, we have to go." He says. I grab my coat and button it up. I throw on a scarf and put my boots on.

We walk outside hand and hand into town. The walk was peaceful and calm. Just what I needed after such a busy day. As we pass the children's clothes store I was in only hours ago, I can't help but stare inside and look at all the baby clothes we'll be buying soon.

"Katniss, what are you looking at?" Peeta asks.

"What? Nothing." I say nervously.

"Are you okay? You're acting kind of weird today." He says.

"I'm fine." I say.

We walk to the center of town and soon we're headed to the jewelry store.

"Peeta, why are we going to the jewelry store? I don't want you to buy me anything!" I protest.

"Well it's already bought." He says, holding the door and walking in.

"Hello." He says to the man at the front desk.

"Hello Mr. Mellark! How are you today?" He asks.

"I'm fine, thank you." He says politely.

"I'll have it right out for you." He says.

He gets up and goes in the back room and returns with a small red bag.

"Have a good day!" He says after handing the bag to Peeta.

"You too! Thanks again!" He says walking out.

"I've been working on this for quite some time." He says gesturing toward the bag.

"I bet, you and that jeweler seem to be pretty casual." I say.

He chuckles and takes my hand again as we continue to walk through town. He end up at the bakery and as soon as we walk in the heat starts to sting my cheeks. We walk to the decorating room in the back and on the counter is a freshly made tray of cheese buns.

"I had some employees make some before they left." He says gain one to me.

"They smell amazing." I mumble as I bite into one.

"Now, would you like to see what's in the bag?" He asks tauntingly.

"Yes please!!" I shout.

"Okay, open it." He says with a warm smile on his face.

Inside is a little black box. I open the box to see a thin silver chain with a heart pendant on it. The heart is composed mine as Peeta's birthstones. Half is emerald for me, and half is topaz for Peeta.

I'm admiring it when Peeta asks if I like it.

"I love it Peeta! Thank you!" I say throwing my arms tightly around his neck.

"Now if I ever have to leave again, you'll always have a piece of me with you." He says.

In this moment I realize how lucky I am to have Peeta in my life. I could never even begin to imagine my life without him. It'd be hell. No it'd be worse than hell, because living without Peeta is like living with without air.

You guys, I am so so so so so sorry for not updating for so long! It's just been so crazy for me lately! I had finals 2 weeks ago and this past week we started our new classes and it's been kind of hard to adjust and the past two days I've had snow days! It's been super crazy in my life, but hopefully it'll return back to normal soon enough. Please continue to vote and comment!
Love you all,
Mel 😘

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