Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

When I wake up I remember it's the day of the doctors appointment. Yesterday after we found out it was quite the shock so for the whole day we didn't really do much. I think I said a total of five words after we found out. I get up and headed to the closet to get dressed, when I immediately turn around and run to the bathroom. My unpleasantly loud retching must have woken Peeta because he walks in as I'm washing my hands.

"Hey," he says kissing my temple "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly, like shit." I say because it's the truth. I feel awful. This "pregnancy glow" that you're supposed to feel during pregnancy, seems non-existent in my case.

"Hey, it's okay. Maybe while we're at the doctors, they can teach you a few helpful tricks to feel better." Peeta suggests.

"Thank you Peeta." I say with tears in my eyes. I don't really know why I feel like crying, I just do.

"For what?" He asks confused.

"For sticking by me through this." I say letting the tears escape my eyes.

"What's the matter?" Peeta says rubbing my arms.

"These damn hormones." I say. I wipe my tears and finish getting dressed.

We get our things together and head out the door. We have the first appointment of the day at 10:00 so hopefully we'll be able to get in pretty fast.

I walk up to the counter to sign myself in. "Hi, Katniss Everdeen, my appointment's at 10." I say to the lady behind the desk. At first she looks shocked. Probably to see me in the maternity section of the doctor's office. She then peers over my shoulder, most likely at Peeta, and gets a grin on her face. "Of course, fill these out and bring them in when they call you." She says handing me a clipboard with a million different sheets to fill out.

Just as I'm filling in the last sheet, a nurse peeks her head out the door. "Katniss Everdeen." She says.

Me and Peeta get up and follow her back to the room. I hand her the clipboard and she leaves saying the doctor will be in soon.

Me and Peeta don't really talk, maybe it's because we're nervous, I don't really know. About five minutes later a middle aged woman walks in.

"Hello Ms. Everdeen, I'm doctor Wallis, but please call me Jane." She says extending her hand toward me.

"Katniss." I say shaking it.

"So you're here for your first maternity check up." She says.

"Yes. I found out yesterday, but that's pretty much all I know, other than having morning sickness everyday." I say.

"Okay, well we'll preform an ultrasound today and check your blood pressure and heart rate and all those kind of things so sit tight and my nurse will be right in." She says smiling and then leaves.

Not even a minute later a younger woman, probably in her twenties came in. "Hi! I'll be your nurse throughout this pregnancy. My name is Jackie." She says.

"Hi, I'm Katniss, and this is Peeta." I say and look at Peeta.

"Well I just wanted to introduce myself, but I have to go get a few things for the ultrasound, I'll be right back." She says.

I play with the engagement ring on my finger. I do that a lot when I'm nervous. I'm just afraid they'll find something wrong with the baby.

Jackie comes back with a bunch of things in her hands. She starts to prepare for the ultrasound. I turn and look at Peeta. He seems to be deep in thought.

"Peeta." I say. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Yeah?" He says.

"Come here." I say and reach for his hand. He gladly accepts and comes to sit next to me.

"Okay, lift up your shirt and we'll start." Jackie says.

I lift up my shirt and she puts this clear blue gel on my stomach and waves the wand around. There's nothing on the screen and she seems to be having a hard time finding it. I notice this an my grip on Peeta's hand tightens. Finally we hear a loud thumping noise.

"There's the heartbeat," says Jackie, "And there's the baby." She says smiling. I look over at the screen and it all seems so surreal. There is a little tiny baby inside me right now. Peeta is smiling wider than I've ever seen.

She types a few things in and outcomes a little picture of the baby. She leaves to go put the ultrasound supplies away.

Me and Peeta just stare at the picture in awe.

"That's our baby." Peeta says.

"I know." I say getting teary eyed.

I lean over and kiss Peeta.

"I love you." I say

"I love you too." He says.

Jackie comes back and takes a my blood pressure and heart rate and all that fun stuff. She comes back and tells me everything that's going on.

"Okay, so you're about 6 weeks along and you're blood pressure is right where it should be. It's too early to determine the gender, we can find out once you've hit about three months. Take these vitamins twice a day," she says handing me a bottle with the vitamins, "And come back once you're at three months. If you have any problems just come in and we'll help as best as we can." She says and smiles.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome, you guys are free to go." She says walking out.

Me and Peeta get in the car and drive home. The whole way home I can't take my eyes off the picture of our baby.

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