Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

Later that night Johanna, Annie and I all went out to a local bar/grill place. I was surprised that it was a normal looking place because I thought since Johanna planned it, there would be half naked men dancing around. I guess she thought I wouldn't like that.

"So I thought we could spend Katniss's last few days as a free woman catching up." Johanna starts.

"Yeah that sounds nice." Annie said.

"Well in honor of the bride to be, she should go first." Johanna says.

"Umm...okay," I start, "Well there hasn't been much going on except crazy wedding plans. And tons of shopping. Well not really shopping just ordering things. Like flowers and food and your guys' dresses. Speaking of which would you like to see them. I can show them to you when we get back to the house. And my dress too! Oh it's beautiful. My mother, Effie and I got it just the other day. You'll love it!" I say.

"Well it seems you have your hands full with wedding details." Johanna says letting out a chuckle.

"What about you Annie?" Johanna says.

"Well things have been great with Finn he's five months now and I feel like time is just flying by." She says. "Jay about you?"

"Oh nothing much. It's actually nice back in 7. So peaceful. Not much hustle and bustle." She says laughing a little.

"Yeah. Things are booking here in 12. People are starting to return because of all the new construction. It's actually quite nice." I say.

"Yeah it looks like it!" Says Annie.

We finish eating after about an hour as a half later. We head back to my house and Johanna and Annie go to the house next door.

I walk in and as soon as I close the door Peeta picks me up and places about a dozen kisses on my lips.

"Hey," I say after he puts me down, "What was that all about?"

"I just missed you is all." He says.

"I was only gone for a few hours." I say chuckling.

"That's was a few hours too many." He says smirking.

Intake off my shoes and jacket and head to the kitchen for some water.

"So are you excited for Saturday?" He asks.

Jokingly I say, "Saturday? Why would I be excited for Saturday? Is a holiday or something?"

"No, it's just the day going to marry the most beautiful woman on this planet." He says coming onto my side if the counter.

"And who would that be?" I ask giggling as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"You." He says and kisses me.

I melt into the kiss and the next thing I know I'm in his arms and we're walking up the stairs.

We get to the bedroom and he lays me on the bed. I start unbuttoning his shirt and he does my pants.

I barely remember the rest of the night. All I know is that Peeta is truly the love of my life.

Hope you liked this one! I'll be starting another fanfic soon. It's not anything Hunger Games. It's about a modern love story. I hope it'll be okay, I hope you check it out!

Mel ;)

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