Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

The next few days have been remarkably better compared to the previous week. Me and Peeta got back in the swing of things. He goes to the bakery again, I go hunting. Things feel right again. Of course there's still those moments I get sad or depressed, but I overcome them.

Today was a pretty productive day. I cleaned the house, did the laundry, did some gardening, and I even prepared our meat for the next week.

Peeta walked in as I was unloading the dishwasher. "Hey." He said coming to kiss me.

After I break the kiss, I say, "Hi. How was the bakery?"

"It was okay, just the usual." He says. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay." I continue unloading the dishwasher.

I have a few bowls in my hand and I'm about to put them in the cabinet when they all slip out and shatter on the floor.

Peeta comes running down the stairs without a shirt on, it looks like he was just about to get in the shower.

"What happened, Katniss are you okay?!" He says running in the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I just dropped some bowls, I'll clean it up." I say.

"God dammit Katniss, you scared me to death. Could you be more careful next time?" He says.

Anger boils up under my skin. "Sure Peeta, anything to make you happy. It's not like I already have enough to worry about. Let me just put everything I have to do aside, to cater your needs." I say getting teary eyed.

"Katniss..." Peeta says trailing off.

"No Peeta, don't apologize. You're right I should be more careful, I should pay more attention to the things I do. I can't do anything right." I yell.

"Katniss, stop," Peeta says walking toward me.

"It's true, I can't last one week without having a fucking breakdown, I can't even do the dishes without scaring you to death, and I can't do the one thing a woman should be able to do!" I scream.

"Katniss, stop blaming yourself. Okay? How do you know it wasn't my fault? How do you know it wasn't me?" He says rubbing my arms.

"I don't, but you don't know how it feels to have something so special be growing and becoming a part of you and then have it all disappear. You never will." I say sobbing.

He rubs my back in comforting circles. "Katniss, I know you're still shaken up, and I know that'll I'll never understand what you're going through, but I also know that there was nothing you could have done to prevent this." He says.

"You're right." I say still sobbing into his bare chest.

"Why don't you have a break and come and shower with me?" He asks.

I let out a short laugh and say "Sure."

I'm so so so so sorry it took so long to update! I've been busy with my summer homework. I wanted to take a week and finish it all and I did. So again, I'm really sorry it took this long! Hope you guys enjoy!!

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